إعادة إحياء المراكز التاريخية- بلدة عورتا

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Every city does have its own tradition and history, and each building in the city present and different story from the others. That why urban regeneration came for, it saves the historical and traditional areas in each city and gives each one a different theme than the other. Let’s take our Palestinian cities as study cases, we all could clearly see that all the citizens are moving away to live in other because sadly these historical places have a poor services. These places are origin of our cities and we could know all the stories and the ages that came up on our cities. So we have to take care of them and stop dealing with them as slums or places that we don’t even care about. And that’s why I chose my project, because Awatra is and a very old historical village that is located in Ibrahim Al-Khalil tourist line. It have a lot of architectural values and have a high potentials to be an tourist village that could depend on that for living. And in the same time why did I chose this area was because there is and Israeli settlement that is build within the village lands< and took almost 60 percent of the land under the Israeli occupation. So we also could use this project as a way to show people who owns the land and who doesn’t.