إعادة إحياء المراكز التاريخية حالة دراسية «بلدة ديراستيا»

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سلمان, امين
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Abstract The study is working on reviving the historical centers and developing them so as to return to the covenant of time and time old to enjoy life and vitality to remain one of our symbols on our land successive wars and disasters, that all our historical countries are subjected to a lot of aggression, whether by the occupation to hide our traces on this Land or on our side we are the sons of this country. The study is based on the study of the historical centers in different locations. The study is conducted in one place and is taken as a case study, so that the village of deristia was chosen from 27 villages of the throne according to data and research. The site of the project is the village of deristia, which is located in the north-west of salfit Governorate, where the village contains historical landmarks and economic value, including the alqasem castle, which is the most important features of the village in addition to wadi qana. The idea of the project is to revive and develop the historical center of the village of deristia, so that the services of the old town of different kinds and the needs of the old town, as well as the enactment of some laws that protect the old town and its cultural heritage, and restoration work of old houses are reused and reduced to additions to these buildings Old And the addition of buildings in the old town as required by the need and under certain conditions and calibrations do not affect the distortion of the old town, and the establishment of a special provisions area surrounding the old country, in addition to the development of tourism sector in the village. On the level of the village of deristia, it will be developed from several aspects and aspects of these economic, professional, professional and professional aspects. A commercial zone will be established along the road between salfit and deristia, a sports stadium, a handicraft area for some handicrafts, and the development of traditional industries and entertainment services in the town. Will be developed and the interest of the youth sector in the village