Cultural Park

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Abu-Alsoud, Rania
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Building a strong society capable of keeping up with the development of life requires the preparation of individuals and the generation to be more conscious and able to discuss their point of views and ideas with others, so it was necessary to design architectural projects to revive the love of reading and make it a habit especially for the youth. The project was designed to meet the urgent need for human beings to discover new ideas and share it with others. So a garden with a group of reading clubs, administrative building and a cafeteria are distributed throughout the site with green spaces that gathers the families, a playground for children and an open auditorium. The goal was to create a comfortable and encouraging environment for reading, as well as achieving the interaction between the pioneers of reading clubs and the garden visitors, and this was clear in taking into account the idea of visual communication between inside and outside the buildings through the use of glass facades, taking into account the use of architectural shading elements when necessary as well as designing an open space for each club. The clubs are seven: (Poetry Club, Novel Club, Sociology Club, Religion Science Club, Natural Science Club, movie Club, Children's Club). The purpose from designing a garden that contains a group of clubs is to achieve the main idea which is (From BUILDING in a PARK to PARK in a BUILDING) to help people reach and interact with the whole site.