Analysis of service at Al-Zaytona Company

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Aisha Batta
Rawand Abu-Ghannam
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Al-Zaytona is a telecommunication company which provides Internet services in the West Bank.  This field research analyzed Al-Zaytona Companys quality of services, soft skills of employees, and marketing strategy. To these ends, we conducted three surveys, made interviews with manager, and employees and observation of service delivery. We also made use of related literature to test degree of quality of services and marketing strategy of the company. Concerning quality of the companys services, we used quality control in order to monitor and control the service delivered. As it is well known, once   the quality is monitored and delivered to the customer, according to the specifications, we can have a satisfied customer, we also made use of the seven management tools to improve the quality, which could in turn achieve the quality objective by meeting customer satisfaction in terms of time and cost. Then we examined the degree of the customers satisfaction by looking at the soft skills of the employees, which affect the customer satisfaction. Whenever the employee is satisfied, this could be reflected in good treatment of the customer, which can also guarantee satisfied customer. We finally addressed the marketing problem in the company. Any successful company providing good services or good products needs a good marketing strategy to let people know about its present and new services or products. The researchers here examined the companys marketing strategy and the way itreached people as it plays a major role in increasing the number of its customers. After analyzing the companys quality, soft skills, and marketing strategy, it was found that the companys weakest point was marketing. It was found in the marketing survey that more than 60% of people did not know about Al-Zaytona. Also we found that the employees do have good soft skills according to the soft skills survey. The company also had a high degree of interruptions.   Al-Zaytona is similar to other companies who seek out to increase market share, or which turn could increase number of their customers, increase quality of service delivered, by reducing the complaints, increasing speed, and get a satisfied customer. To create chances that may help to resolve the problems that could affect the image of the company into customer mind. We contributed to solve the problems related to Al-Zaytona, as mentioned. Concerning to quality, we examined in the first project  the number of complaints by taking samples , which extended from (9/2012 10/2013), to a get a complete image of the nature and numbers of complaints, and to form a comprehensive analysis we also examined the number of complaints the other sample was taken ( 11/2013- 3/2014 ). By conducting the quality control charts, using c- chart and p-chart. And by doing this we monitored the number of complaints by calculating the upper and lower control limits, and the mean number of complaints, and the results indicated that the number of complaints were under control, but we have a highly variation around the mean. As we all know that variation is an enemy of quality, and it causes a loss in the hidden costs to 90%. To know the reason of variation we made many surveys related to technical problems and soft skills problem of employees, we also distributed a survey asking about the percent of awareness to the company. The results of the surveys showed that soft skills was moderate, but still need training and improvement, to get a competitive advantage over the competitors. According to the survey related to technical problem the results interruptions was the biggest problem, and the most cause of problem comes from customer side. Moving to awareness problem, people didnt know about Al-Zaytona, thus the reputation of the company didnt reach the required level. We analyze the surveys by using Pareto chart and cause and effect diagram.   For further studies we suggest to make excessive efforts on marketing, by conducting marketing strategy; which will affect the market share of the company since it has a low market share. Also we get the company attention to the soft skills problem, in which could help to get satisfied customers. Al-Zaytona doesnt have experience in conducting control charts, so we suggest to the company to apply the control charts to monitor the delivered service and to be around the tolerance, and to know if it was out of control or in control, and to see the performance service delivered. then we suggest to apply seven management tools which collect the  voice of customerto satisfy and delight customer.     We all know that there is no perfect company with zero mistakes. All companies strive to get the nearest level to perfection, and this is what we sought to make in the company. Improving quality is one of the most important things a customer thinks of when he/she access the internet, so it is quite important to focus on what do the customer needs, by listening with heart and mind to him/her and by designing quality that satisfies the customers needs; this is achieved by conducting the seven management tools and quality function deployment (QFD). Also when talking about quality it is important for the internet service to provide high speed and less or almost zeros interruptions. This is done by conducting the quality control charts. Monitoring the process and knowing the upper and lower control limits, and the means; which plays a major role in finding out if we are meeting customers expectations. Soft skills are not less important than technical skills, so we took this into considerations and interviewed the companys employees on how to have and get a good soft skill when dealing with customers. Finally, we addressed the marketing strategy in the company, and set basic measures to the effectiveness or productivity of a successful marketing, by taking  into account the awareness of people of  the company and its services; since the major problem that affected Al-Zaytona in marketing was that peoples ignorance of the existence the company.  