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Mohammad, abu amer
hamed adnan, ghannam
hamed hosny, ghannam
abdullmajed, hassoun
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Geothermal energy is the energy stored in the form of heat below the earth’s surface. Its potential is limitless in human terms and its energy is comparable to the sun. Geothermal heat and water have been used for thousands of years. The Romans, Chinese and Native Americans used hot mineral springs for bathing, cooking and for therapeutic purposes. Geothermal energy is environmentally friendly, 24-hour production and long-life time. In winter, it collects the Earth's natural heat through a series of pipes, called a loop, installed below the surface of the ground or submersed in a pond or lake. In summer, the process is reversed. The underground loop draws excess heat from the house and allows it to be absorbed by the Earth. There are two basic ways to capture and use the geothermal energy: Open-loop piping systems are used to rural areas with the well; in other locations closed-loop systems are most common. Each closed-loop typing system can be placed horizontally, vertically or with a directional board to absorb the earth’s heat and move it into your home. In this project, we will study the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy comparing with other forms of energy, especially electric (cost, maintenance, which one is more effective?) by using both in heating and air conditioning for An-Najah hospital. Geothermal energy is not being exploited properly in our country "Palestine" and this is the answer to the question " Had this project been done before?" geothermal energy is very important we should use it.