A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study for Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation

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Alawneh, Ashraf
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جامعة النجاح الوطنية
Introduction: Kidney transplantation is considered all over the world as the best treatment for selected patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) as it gives a longer survival time, lower costs and better quality of life in comparison to hemodialysis. However, after the transplantation patients need to adhere to a complex medical regimen, therefore new studies are needed to investigate the unique experiences and individual differences between them. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the lived experiences of kidney transplant recipients. Design: A qualitative phenomenological hermeneutic design was used, which focuses on subjective experiences of individuals. It is an attempt to reveal the world experienced by the subject through their life world stories. Data collection: interview guide for personal and medical information as well face-to-face open semi-structured audio recording interviews were used to collect data relevant to the study to explore the participant’s experiences. Sample: A purposive sample of 15 adult kidney recipients of both sexes were recruited. Setting: Interviews were conducted in nephrology outpatient clinic of Palestinian medical complex Ramallah . Data Analysis: The data was analyzed as a coherent text inspired by Ricoeur's thoughts on storytelling and interpretation. By analyzing the interview texts, the researcher can reveal common themes shared by participants to gain new knowledge about living through a particular phenomenon. Results: From interviews fifteen themes and related sub themes were identified as follows; encountered feelings, perceived impact on life, encountered medicalized life, prevailing fear of consequences, conflicting emotions, experiencing of altered body, acceptance of changes, understanding the necessity of self-care, enduring abiding, thanking and gratitude, appreciating of supportive encouragement, living with restrictions, long term effects after kidney transplantation, isolation, better health and more energy. Conclusion and recommendations: The participants in the current study had shown positive emotions after kidney transplants, feelings of happiness, feelings of being normal, feelings of rebirth, feelings of resuscitation and feelings of living life were among these feelings. Other feelings of anxiety and fear were also encountered against their living related donors and fear of an uncertain return to painful dialysis sessions and rejection of the new kidney. This study recommends conducting patient education programs on the issues received by the proverbs of kidney recipients in order to increase awareness of the recipients and those who are expected to undergo a kidney transplant. Also this study recommends that kidney transplant is an adaptive challenge and counselling has the potential to psychological support recipients of emotions and uncertainty which characterize the experience.
lived experience, phenomenology, hermeneutic, kidney transplantation.