The Figure of Title in The Palestinian Novel

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Faraj Abed- Elhasib Malki
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The idea of this study occurred to me ten years ago when I was going through the experience of imprisonment in one of the Israeli prisons. Just before the investigation begins, the prisoners undergoes a Systematic process of humiliation reflected in removing all his distinguishing marks such as his clothes ,private things and name. Thus, the imprisonment starts with the prisoner losing all his distinguishing marks including his name and changing into a mere number. I came to realize, afterwards, that this process of removing is not meant only to humiliate the newcomer but also to put him in a new system whose main aim is to remove the prisoner s personality through removing the marks first. The idea of this study came into being during my study of modern Criticism. One of the subjects of this course is the novelistic title which Semi logy takes great interest in. This suggested the title of my study " The Figure of Title in the Palestinian Novel". Nowadays we live in a world crammed with marks. This led a semiologist to describe Japan as empire of marks. The mark can be either linguistic or nonlinguistic. These marks integrate into systems, which have their own relations and regulations. This study chose the system of Palestinian titles in attempt to investigate its relations and rulers. This study made use of various critical methods. It is based on semi logy as a springboard for research. Therefore, it investigated the spread of title and its connotations. It also benefited from the semiologitic rules in studying the marks. Moreover, it made use of stylism, namely in adopting its unique methods of studying the overlapping and connection of structures through the rhetorical methods used in choosing the title. Because the evidence is subsequent and imitative, this study has to trace back the title history as an ulterior text imitating a preceding text through investigating the textury of the title with other titles. The figure was brought about from the research conducted by G. Genets when he was studied the parallel text of the literary works. He regarded the title as one of the most literary types, which are able to assimilate the other types. The naming system in the novel is one of the subject's thought of and the title is the most important naming within this system. The Palestinian novel put many titles, which appeared during the last fifty years under study. This study is dividing into two sections. The first section is theoretical whereas the second is practical. The first section consists of two chapters. The first chapter has the title of" Establishing the Title”. This chapter deals with naming as a main framework for titling which expresses the viewpoint of the person who gives the name and also deals with titling a tape of naming. it also presents the Arab view regarding the title in ancient prose then takes in details about the view of modern criticism concerning the title and its relation with semi logy and the parallel text. This chapter ends with studying the components of the title, its types and functions in the novel. The second chapter is under the title of" The Palestinian Novelistic Title ''. It begins with a glimpse at the novel figures through the cover, notification, presentation, introduction, and finally the title, which is the topic of study. It summarizes the significance which modem criticism gives to the Palestinian novelistic title and studies elaborately the psychological and social phenomena as well as the textury and rhetorical phenomena in the title of the Palestinian novel. The second section includes four chapters where the titles of four pioneering novelists are studied. It studies the following titles for the novelist Ghassan Kanafani: Men in the Sun, The Other Thing, What has been left to you, Om Sa,ad, Returnee to Hifa and the titles of the incomplete novels. For Emil Habibi, it studies the titles of the following novels: The Hexagon of the Six Days, The Strange Circumstance of the Disappearance of Said Abi Al-Nahs AI-Motashael and The Tale of Saraya Bint Al-Ghoul, As for Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, it studies the titles of these novels: A Scream in a Long Night, Hunters in a Narrow Road, A World with no Maps, In Search of Walid Masoud, The Other Rooms, The Days of Sarab Afan. It finally studies the following titles of Sahar Khalifa,s novels: We are no longer Your Maidservants, Al-Sabar, Abad Al-Shams, The Diary of an Unrealistic Woman, The Door of the Yard and The Heritage. Every chapter begins with an introduction about the novelist, his publications in order to shed light on the novelist as well as on his age. It moves to studying his/her novelistic titles chronologically and ends up with summarizing the most important features of the novelist's titles. The method I used in studying the novelistic titles of the four writers starts with a prelude, mentions the date of the book publication and gives an idea about the most important comments regarding that book. I also presented the figures of the edition under study. Then comes the preface which includes a brief presentation of the novel's, theme, its major characters and events. Afterwards, I moved to a preliminary horizontal study of the title where the components of the title as well as the questions that the title suggests are introduced. A vertical study of the title was then conducted through the textury between the title in the one hand with the text and forms of title emergence in the main text in the other was studied. The answers presented by the main text for understanding the title and the extent to which these answers are in accordance with the preliminary question were also studied. This chapter studies, furthermore, the internal subtitles and their overlapping which the main text in addition to their linguistic and connotative features. Every subject ends up with examining the textury of the title with the other novelistic titles. The researcher hopes that he has accomplished a research, which presents the Palestinian novelistic title in an integral, deep, and comprehensive, which can regarded as a pioneering work. He also hopes that he has presented a research, which encompasses the most important Palestinian novels and deeply studies, their naming system. This research aims, as well, at making the reader whether he is a novelist, a critic or an ordinary reader to deal with the title as a preliminary figure for the novel which has a great importance in achieving the connection between the minor and main text. The researcher finally hopes that the future researchers will make use of the historical narrative of the Palestinian novel, which comes at the end of this research.
أولى النقد الحديث النص الموازي عناية خاصة , وظهرت دراسات تأسيسية تلتفت إلى عناصره وفلسفتها, وعدت عناصره جملة من العتبات المفضية إلى النص الرئيس التي تحيطه بإشارات ذات إيحاءات دالة, وتقدم إضاءات تسهم في فهم النص وتحليله وفك رموزه, فشرع الدارسون يلتفتون لهذا الجديد, ويتسائلون عناصره, ويستنطقون إشاراته أبدى بعض نقاد الغرب في النصف الثاني من القرن المنصرم –في فرنسا خاصة- اهتماما بدراسة النص الموازي, وبدأ هذا الاهتمام يجد صدى عند بعض النقاد العرب في العقد الأخير من القرن الماضي, فأرض هذا الميدان عندنا ما زالت بكرا, تحاول الدراسات وضع لبناتها الأولى سعيا لتأسيس مداميك؛ تمكننا من الإطلال على إبداعنا في المتخيل السردي والمنجز الشعري من زاوية جديدة ظلت هامشية ومهملة فيما سلف رغم أهميتها. من بين عناصر النص الموازي تختار هذه الدراسة العنوان الروائي الفلسطيني لتدرسه وتبحث فيه, ولا تلتفت كثيراً لبقية عناصر النص المحيط المتمثلة في لوحة الغلاف والإهداءات وغيرها؛ وذلك لأن البحث فيها جميعا يحتاج إلى مساحة واسعة تضيق عنها أوراق هذه الدراسة, ويحتاج إلى جهود كبيرة من أجل الوصول إلى الطبعات الأولى من الروايات ومتابعة التغيرات في الطبعات التالية. وقد اختارت هذه الدراسة العنوان؛ لأن العنوان من أهم العتبات التي يدرسها النص الموازي, وهو عتبة النص الأولية التي ندخل منها إلى دهاليزه, وهو كذلك مفتاح إجرائي يسهم في فك مغاليق النص, وللعنوان مكونات متنوعة ووظائف متعددة, وخصوصيات كثيرة, تجعله مادة غنية صالحة للبحث والاستقصاء. وقد خصت هذه الدراسة عنوان الرواية الفلسطينية؛ لأنه موضوع ما زال مهملا لم يلتفت إليه بصورة عامة, إلا ما جاء تلميحا في نقد رواية ما. كما أن الرواية تعد من الأجناس الأدبية التي تتسع لغيرها دون أن تفقد ملامحها, ويوظف الروائي فيها جملة من الطاقات الإبداعية. ولا ريب أن العنوان فيها مفكر فيه بعمق ليحمل عبء التسمية المميزة له عن غيره, وليكون بمقدوره القيام بوظائفه المتعددة. ولا شك أن دراسته ستكشف عن مناح إبداعية غابت أو أهملت فيما سبق. صدر ما يقارب من أربعمائة عنوان روائي فلسطيني حتى هذا العام – 2002-, هذه العناوين تمثل المسيرة الفنية للرواية الفلسطينية عبر قرن من الزمان أو يزيد, وسارت الرواية مع القضية لترافقها عبر محطاتها الحاسمة للوطن والإنسان, وانطلقت بتسارع متغير بين محطة وأخرى لتغطي الحالة الفلسطينية على ساحة الوطن والشتات, ولتغدو أحد معالم الثقافة الفلسطينية. تبنى النقاد الفلسطينيين والعرب نماذج معدودة منها, وتلك لا تزيد في عددها على الخمسين رواية كما لاحظت من خلال إعداد هذه الدراسة, وبقيت الروايات الأخرى مهملة, فوجب التذكير ولو بأسمائها من خلال رصد حركة تطور عناوينها وخصائص هذه العناوين اللغوية والدلالية, ويبقى هذا الكم الهائل من العناوين, وهذا التنوع الكبير موضوعا يستحق الدراسة من أجل تلمس ملامحه, واستشراف إشراقاته والنظر في مواطن إخفاقاته.