Methods of Purification

dc.contributor.advisorDr. Saleh Sharef Kameel
dc.contributor.authorJamal Saleh Ahmad Aqel
dc.description.abstractThis research paper includes an introduction, three chapters, and an end. The Introduction: - In the first research, I mentioned the meaning of purity linguistically & idiomatically. After that, I explained the general and the specific meaning of purity. Then I talked about the importance of purity. In the second research, I mentioned the most important impurities in the eye of Islamic statute that are agreed or not agreed upon. Then I preferred some of them. I mentioned also the meaning of defiling and what the scientists meant by it. In the third research, I talked about the consequences of removing impurity, the judgment of removing impurity and the consideration of intention. The first chapter: In this chapter, I talked about the means of purification by water. I explained the kind of water used in purification; it is the absolute (usual) water. This chapter contains five researches: 1. The first research: I talked about the purification of man as a comprehensive & complete unit through the purification of man from physical & moral impurities. It has two demands. • The first demand: - Means of man's purification by water from impurities that touch or fall on him. • The second demand: - Means of purification of impurities that come out of man such as urine, blood, semen, and others through the ablution or capsulation, death, menstruation and blood from women; or the alternative of water; that is using dust or wiping off. And then the purification of what not emerges from the exits of feces. 2. The second research: 1 talked about the way of purification of the polished bodies by wiping off or water. 3. The third research: Purification of solid bodies absorbing water and if they were accepting press. I showed the judgment of bodies that don't accept squeezing. 4. The fourth research: I talked about the way of liquid purification such as water & others. They I mentioned the means of hard food purification by water and other suitable means of purification. 5. The fifth research: I talked about the purification of the ground. I also mentioned the related judgments such as the dirty clay in streets (mud), the long garment when touches the ground's impurity, when it is pardoned from the ground's uncleanness, and finally the judgments of what falls on passers by The second chapter: - The purification by tanning. It consists of two researches. 1. The first research : it contains three demands: • The meaning of tanning linguistically & idiomatically. • The importance of tanning in people's life; then the development of tanning industry through time, materials used, kinds of tanning, and the conditions of it. 2. The second research: it has five demands which are: • The judgment of eaten - slaughtered animal leathers' tanning. • The judgment of tanning leather of the slaughtered & uneaten animal such as the donkey or the mule. • The judgment of tanning the dead-animal leathers. • The judgment of tanning the leather of the dog & the pig. • The consequences of the purification of animal's leather by tanning in regard to eating, sailing, using, and different benefits. The third chapter: - Means of purification by the chemical interaction. It contains six researches, and the last research- the seventh- is around the judgment of cleanness instruments. 1. The .first research: I explained the meaning of this chemical interaction linguistically & idiomatically as seen by Moslem scientists, the judgments of wine sousing, some pictures of this chemical interaction such as tanning by un cleaning or tattooing. 2. The second research: I talked about the way of purification by burning and dehydrating and I explained the judgments related to them. 3. The third research: I talked about means of purification that are evaporation & distillation, then I showed the judgments related to this as materials exposed to changes in their characteristics. 4. The fourth research: It is about the way of purification by prevention & alteration of animals which eat impurities mentioning the judgment of their production such as milk, eggs, and meat. And then I talked about the amount of the dirty food eaten by that animal, then the ways of purification which are prevention & alteration. 5. The fifth research: I mentioned the judgment of watering trees & plants by impurities between permissibility, sin, detestation, and I preferred permissibility. 6. The sixth research: I talked about the judgment making medicines from impurities. It has three demands: • The judgment of making medicines from dirty materials like blood, urine and others. • The judgment of making medicines from wine. I explained that this is a sin in all Islamic beliefs. • The evidences that using drugs as a medicine is a sin. • The judgment of transferring blood as a dirty material and using it in the present time as a medicine because of wars & natural catastrophes. 7. The seventh research: It ends the thesis; it talks about the judgment of cleanness instruments; I explained the kinds of plates; the judgment of unbelievers' plates; the purification of plates if touched by an impurity like wine, the dog's or the pig's saliva; then the purification of plates where water is put for the purpose of cleanness & covering the plate. The End: It highlights the results of the research.en
dc.description.abstractالحمد لله الذي جعل العبادة غذاءً لألباب العارفين، وهدى ومنهلاً عذباً لنفوس العابدين، ودرعاً واقياً لكل من حفظها وتقرب بها، وكنزاً باقياً لكل من لزمها وواظب عليها والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد معلم البشرية واستاذ كل استاذ الذي جاء بالحق المبين فبلّغ الرسالة وأدى الأمانة ونصح الأمة فجزاه الله خير ما جازى نبياً عن قومه، ورسولاً عن أمته. وبعد.. فإن من نعم الله على عبادة أن شرع لهم الشرائع ، وفصل لهم الأحكام ؛ تحقيقاً لمصالحهم العاجلة والآجلة في الدنيا .. والآخرة. وجعل أهم العبادات بعد النطق بالشهادتين الصلاة ، وجعل مفتاحها الطهارة ، وهي أهم العبادات وآكد أركان الإسلام بعد الشهادتين؛ وهي أول ما يسأل العبد عنه في قبره. ونظراً لأن الإسلام منهج حياة صالح لكل زمان ومكان ويتسم بالشمول والعموم فقد جعل الشارع الحكيم الطهارة في المكان اللائق بها. نظراً لأهميتها فهي مفتتح كل كتاب يبحث في الفقه وخاصة العبادات. وجعل الشارع الحكيم أكثر من وسيلة للتطهير من النجاسات التي تصيب الإنسان في بدنه وثوبه والمكان الذي يعيش فيه، ذلك أن محور النشاط الإنساني يقوم على النظافة في كل شيء. إن الطهارة التي يريدها الإسلام طهارة شاملة، تبدأ من طهارة القلب من الشرك والأمراض القلبية كالرياء والكبر، وإعجاب المرء بنفسه. إلى الطهارة الحسية من النجاسات المختلفة، التي تصيبه في حياته في المأكل والملبس.. والمشرب.. الخ. ونحن اليوم أكثر من أي وقت مضى بأمس الحاجة إلى التقيد بالأحكام الشرعية في وسائل التطهير وبحاجة إلى الأسرة الطاهرة والفرد الطاهر في القلب والعبادة بالإخلاص لله عز وجل والبعد عن الرياء والشرك. ويوم كان المسلمون يتسمون بصفات الطهارة الشاملة كانت لهم العزة والنصر والسؤدد. ولما تهاونوا في هذا الموضوع الحساس ولم يعطوه الأهمية الكافية، نزلوا إلى الحضيض وأصبحت حياتهم مليئة بالضعف. وعبادتهم بالنقص. إن الانسان هو محور التكاليف الشرعية خلقة الله عز وجل بيديه وأكرمه غاية التكريم وأسجد له ملائكته، وميزه بالتفكير، وجعله خليفته في أرضه وسخر له الكون فعليه أن يتصف بالطهارة الشاملة، والتي تليق به أمام خالقه عز وجل لأن الله طيب لا يقبل إلا طيباً. والتطهير من النجاسات ليس مقصوراً على الإنسان بل يتعدى ذلك ليشمل الحيوان والنبات والجماد وكل ما يحيط بالإنسان ليتمكن من استعمالها والاستفادة منه بيسر وسهولة وفق أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية؛ لأن الطهارة في الإسلام شاملة للإنسان ولكل مرافق الحياة.ar
dc.titleMethods of Purificationen
dc.titleوسائل التطهيرar
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