Arabic Touch Typing

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Mujahed Ballas
Yazan shtyeh
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This study aims to develop an innovative Arabic touch typing training program that addresses the growing need for typing proficiency in today's technology-driven culture. The proposed program will utilize a unique approach to enhance the learning experience for individuals who use the Arabic language on a regular basis such as writers, translators, court reporters, and anyone seeking to improve their typing speed and efficiency. The program will feature interactive games, lessons and exercises, personalized feedback, and progress tracking to keep users engaged and motivated. Additionally, the program will utilize visual demonstrations, such as a marker on the current letter and a region below the paragraph displaying the correct finger movement with each letter, to guide users through the touch typing process. This approach will provide users with a clear and direct understanding of the touch typing technique, making it easier for them to acquire the skills and improve their typing speed and accuracy. The program will be tested on a sample of participants, and the results will be analyzed to evaluate its effectiveness in improving typing skills. The proposed program will fill the gap in the market for efficient and user-friendly touch typing training programs for Arabic speakers and could greatly benefit individuals and organizations that rely heavily on typing in their daily operations. The findings of this study could also contribute