التخطيط العمراني لمواجهة سياسات الإحتلال في ضواحي مدينة القدس، فلسطين – الرام نموذجا

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The current transitional phase that the Palestinian society is going through in the occupied Palestinian territories (the West Bank and Gaza Strip), especially after the Oslo Accords in 1994 and the subsequent partial Israeli withdrawals from Palestinian areas, despite Israel's continued seizure of land for the construction and expansion of Israeli settlements and the construction of bypass roads, as well as the reoccupation of most Palestinian cities and villages since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000 and the subsequent destruction of homes and infrastructure and the construction of the separation barrier on the borders of the West Bank, imposes a new reality and many challenges on Palestinian planning institutions (especially at the local level) and hinders the possibility of developing and implementing the required urban planning. The importance of the study lies in the necessity of shedding light on these neighborhoods and giving them planning priority as they have emerged in areas earmarked for future expansion of the city of Jerusalem, outside its administrative boundaries. There is a need to raise awareness and perception, and to direct the attention of society and responsible authorities towards this phenomenon, especially future generations, to work on limiting its spread, and then to develop a comprehensive action plan for the planning of these neighborhoods. The importance of the research lies in the following: 1. Jerusalem has political, religious, and national significance as it is the subject of the past, present, and future. 2. The scarcity of studies related to the outskirts of Jerusalem due to the Israeli complexities and obstacles that hinder the provision of comprehensive data and information, especially under the conditions experienced by Palestinians. 3. Establishing a database on the subject of integrated planning using urban modeling for the Ramallah area due to the lack of studies on this subject. 4. Studying the current situation of the village of Ram and the surrounding settlements, thus providing a comprehensive database that any local authority or researcher can benefit from. 5. Presenting a comprehensive spatial plan for the village and adjacent settlements based on scientific evidence and proof. The study aims in general to develop a new sustainable development planning system that regulates the relationship between the village and its surroundings, in addition to analyzing the general situation of the village of Ram and its surrounding settlements and its regional and local relations, studying the efficiency and suitability of land use distribution in the village of Ram and the surrounding settlements, and redistributing it in a sustainable manner. The main aim of the study is to highlight the impact of informal residential neighborhoods in area (C) on structural planning in the outskirts of Jerusalem, and the detailed objectives of the study are as follows: Starting from the general aim of establishing a sustainable planning system that regulates the relationship between the village of Ram and its surroundings, detailed objectives can be highlighted as follows: 1. Studying the phenomenon of informal residential neighborhoods in area (C), and its impact on structural planning in the outskirts of Jerusalem. 2. Identifying the patterns of emergence of informal residential neighborhoods and their causes. 3. Diagnosing the current situation of the study area and highlighting the most important problems it faces. 4. Analyzing the internal structure of the residential settlements located outside the wall and adjacent to it in Jerusalem (Ram) using factor analysis and data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. 5. Proposing practical and realistic solutions to the existing problems aimed at organizing the planning process at the local level within a sustainable vision. The town has an important geographical location, as it serves as the regional center for 44 cities, connecting the north to the center of the West Bank and the towns and villages of the Jerusalem governorate, and hosts a large number of government and developmental entities. The central location of Ram also comes from its presence on the borders of the separation barrier, with part of it being inside the barrier. Ram contains a main street that separates its south from its north and between the built-up area and the quarries and quarries and connects Ram to two regional roads, one of which connects the Ramallah area with the south of the West Bank. Ram also contains a local street that separates the built-up area into a western part and an eastern part, and cuts through the built-up area from the center, making access to all areas easy.