Student Behavior Tracking System “SBTS”

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Yamin, Aya
Kharrousheh, Ahlam
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Student Behavior Tracking System (SBTS) is a very useful system. It is a tracking system of performance of students and teachers to manage their behavior in school. It is a consideration of responsibility and accountability, improves student behavior, increases student achievement by evaluating students in terms of grades, attendance and scholar activity, and reduces negative behavior factors so It becomes easier for parents to know the level of their children. The aim of this project is to develop SBTS for Palestinian schools, with the following main characteristics: 1. For any added school in SBTS, the structure of course is added in the system (classes, courses, student lists, teacher lists, lists of activities, …) 2. Dynamic rating and ranking criteria for students based on their performance assigned by teachers (point system based on absence, attitudes, submitting assignments whether in a classes or activities). 3. Complete report system available for school, students and parents in forms of graphs and reports (for tracking purposes). 4. Notification system for users about students performance. A SBTS is developed, it is a website and a mobile application using new trending development frameworks such as React for FrontEnd , php for BackEnd and android for mobile.