Jenin As A Sustainable City
Abualrub, Walaa
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This study addresses one of the most important requirements of the age, emerging from the case of environmental degradation and urbanization and its accompanying population growth and the increasing scarcity of natural resources that affect the contemporary planning situation which is sustainability, And Palestine represent a focused state of these problems and in an attempt to find a solution to this problem through the sustainability concept, which in turn represents a universally necessary requirement contributes mainly to address this problem and then configure the general perception of the concept and methodology applicable to urban areas in the West Bank, which aims to form proper social urban environment and suit all economic groups in society.
And the grounded methodology used in this study on the informational framework, which includes a field study of the area and gather information and all the necessary field surveys, which reflect the current situation and then do the analytical framework through the analysis in the area and then all the pillars of sustainability, environmental, social, cultural and economic analysis and assess the situation and get out the strengths and opportunities as well as challenges and weaknesses of each pillar, and then work on the proposal for the objectives And the strategies working to raise the level of sustainability in the region, are based on the development of the economy and improve the environmental situation and improve the social and cultural situation in the region through the development of projects around in order to implement these strategies and objectives that meet sustainability goals.
Through this study, the outcome is a main plan of the study area contains suggestions and several projects as well as keeping some of the current uses that promote the concept of sustainability and thus put future trends through this plan to make the study area in Jenin a sustainable area of environmental, economic, social and cultural aspects.