Is The Consumption Of Energy Drinks Associated With Academic Achievement among College Students Of Medical And Health Sciences?

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Maram Mhamed
Mohamad Zoabi
Rola Mhamed
Muhmmad Khaskia
Shareef Gharably
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Introduction: The worldwide “energy drink” market has grown exponentially in the last decade.Energy drinks are popular among college students in Health and medicine sciences who consume these drinks for a variety of reasons. Energy drinks are composed of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and stimulants such as caffeine and ginseng. Aim of the study: In this research we investigated relationship of energy drinks on academic achievement among college students of medical and health sciences. Methodology: It was(quantitative research)which consist a population of student from An-Najah University. A Cross sectional descriptive exploratory design used to conduct this study. The study sample is 300 students from (second years, third years, and fourth years, fifth year, sixth year) among college students of medical and health sciences. Conclusion and Result: The result of the study indicated that there was a significant relation between energy drinks on academic achievement related to gender. Moreover, the study showed there was a relationship between energy drinks associated with academic achievement related to student’s life activity such as smoking. The result of the study indicated that was a relationship was positive relation between energy drinks on academic achievement among medical and health science students related to knowledge of side effect of energy drink. Finally, the result of the study indicated was a negative relationship between energy drinks associated with academic achievement among students related to academic level.
Energy drinks, Caffeine, Substance use, Academic performance, Sleep,College students