Relationship between Time Management and Leadership Style Among Palestinian Red Crescent Society Administrative Officers

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Nujood Sheeb Abu Zant
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The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between time management and leadership style among Palestinian Red Crescent administrative officers, in Palestine. The study raised the following questions: 1. What is the state of time management among Palestinian Red Crescent Society administrative officers? 2. What are the most common leadership styles among administrative officers in Palestinian Red Crescent Society ? 3. What is the relationship between time management and leadership style among administrative officers in Palestinian Red Crescent Society? 4. Does the state of time management among Palestinian Red Crescent Society administrative officers differ according to sex, age, position and experience variables? 5. Does the state of leadership style among Palestinian Red Crescent Society administrative officers differ according to sex, age, position and experience variables? To answer the aforementioned questions, the researcher chose the Palestinian Red Crescent Society administrative officers as the population of the study (67). For data collection, the researcher used two questionnaires. The first one, on time management, was developed by Hanna (J 998). The researcher, however, modified it for the purposes of the study. The second, on style of leadership, was also modified to suit the purposes of the study. To test the validity of the study, the researcher showed the two instruments to six experts to make sure they have high validity. Findings of Study The researcher, after statistical processing of the data, has found the following results: Order of time management domains. In the domain of suggestions the percentage of response was 82.%. In the domain of unexploited time, the percentage of response was 75.4%. Concerning the administrative officers' view of time management, the percentage of response 72.6% whereas in the administrative officers' view of time the percentage of response was 7 I%. In the last domain obstacles, the percentage of response was 68.8%. Order of leadership styles domain. In the democratic - autocratic style, the percentage of response was 88.4% while in the democratic style, the percentage of response was 75%. In the autocratic style, the percentage of response was 72.6% while in laizy domain, the percentage of response was 62%. The study findings revealed that there was a positive correlation, at significance level (α = 0.05), between administrative officers' view towards time and democratic style; between the two leadership styles: (autocratic and democratic - autocratic styles); between the two leadership styles:( democratic and autocratic - democratic styles) . However, a negative correlation, at significance level, (α = 0.05), was found between administrative officers' view towards time management and the lassie style, and between time management obstacles and democratic - autocratic style. The study also revealed the state of time management according to the following variables: Pertaining to sex variable, it was found that the highest average was in favor of domains, suggestions and unexploited times. The highest average, in favor of males, was in the domains of administrative officers' view towards time management. The highest average, in favor of both sexes, was in the domains of administrators' view of time and obstacles. Concerning the age variable, the highest average was in favor of those under 40 years old in the domains of suggestions followed by those who were less than 50 years old in the domains of unexploited times, administrative officers' views towards time and time management and obstacles. Regarding position, the highest average was in favor of department chairperson in the domain of suggestions followed by others in the domain of unexploited times and finally in favor of director-general in administrative officers' view towards time. In the following domains, the highest average was in favor of an official in the administrative officers' view
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between time management and leadership style among Palestinian Red Crescent administrative officers, in Palestine. The study raised the following questions: 1. What is the state of time management among Palestinian Red Crescent Society administrative officers? 2. What are the most common leadership styles among administrative officers in Palestinian Red Crescent Society ? 3. What is the relationship between time management and leadership style among administrative officers in Palestinian Red Crescent Society? 4. Does the state of time management among Palestinian Red Crescent Society administrative officers differ according to sex, age, position and experience variables? 5. Does the state of leadership style among Palestinian Red Crescent Society administrative officers differ according to sex, age, position and experience variables? To answer the aforementioned questions, the researcher chose the Palestinian Red Crescent Society administrative officers as the population of the study (67). For data collection, the researcher used two questionnaires. The first one, on time management, was developed by Hanna (J 998). The researcher, however, modified it for the purposes of the study. The second, on style of leadership, was also modified to suit the purposes of the study. To test the validity of the study, the researcher showed the two instruments to six experts to make sure they have high validity. Findings of Study The researcher, after statistical processing of the data, has found the following results: Order of time management domains. In the domain of suggestions the percentage of response was 82.%. In the domain of unexploited time, the percentage of response was 75.4%. Concerning the administrative officers' view of time management, the percentage of response 72.6% whereas in the administrative officers' view of time the percentage of response was 7 I%. In the last domain obstacles, the percentage of response was 68.8%. Order of leadership styles domain. In the democratic - autocratic style, the percentage of response was 88.4% while in the democratic style, the percentage of response was 75%. In the autocratic style, the percentage of response was 72.6% while in laizy domain, the percentage of response was 62%. The study findings revealed that there was a positive correlation, at significance level (α = 0.05), between administrative officers' view towards time and democratic style; between the two leadership styles: (autocratic and democratic - autocratic styles); between the two leadership styles:( democratic and autocratic - democratic styles) . However, a negative correlation, at significance level, (α = 0.05), was found between administrative officers' view towards time management and the lassie style, and between time management obstacles and democratic - autocratic style. The study also revealed the state of time management according to the following variables: Pertaining to sex variable, it was found that the highest average was in favor of domains, suggestions and unexploited times. The highest average, in favor of males, was in the domains of administrative officers' view towards time management. The highest average, in favor of both sexes, was in the domains of administrators' view of time and obstacles. Concerning the age variable, the highest average was in favor of those under 40 years old in the domains of suggestions followed by those who were less than 50 years old in the domains of unexploited times, administrative officers' views towards time and time management and obstacles. Regarding position, the highest average was in favor of department chairperson in the domain of suggestions followed by others in the domain of unexploited times and finally in favor of director-general in administrative officers' view towards time. In the following domains, the highest average was in favor of an official in the administrative officers' view