Personality Traits of the Working Woman in the Private and Punblic Sectors in Nablus

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Rana El-Sal'ous
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The purpose of this study was to identify the personality traits of the working woman in the public and private sectors in Nablus. Moreover, this study aimed at identifying the effect of the work sector, marital status, age, qualification, career, salary, and the place (If residence on the personality traits. The sample of the study consisted of (3 51) working women. They were asked to fill in profile scale. This scale consisted of (40) items divided equally into four domains: responsibility, emotional steadiness, authority, and sociability. Data that were obtained was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) Results indicated that all the traits were common among women but in different degrees. The highest percentage was for the control trait (65.89), then the sociability (64.88%), the authority (64.84%). Results also indicated that there was no significant differences at (α = 0.05) in the personality traits of the working woman in the private and public sectors in Nablus due to the marital status, age, and salary variables. Moreover, results pointed out that there was a significant difference in some of the personality traits due to the working sector, qualification, career, and place of residence variables. In addition, concerning the work sector, the statistical difference in the control and responsibility traits between the public and private sectors was in favour of the public sector. And concerning the qualification, the statistical difference in the control trait between the M.A holders and the Diploma was in favour of the M.A holders and those who have higher qualifications. Furthermore, concerning trait between the manager position and other positions in favour of the manager position. Concerning the place of residence, the difference in the control trait between city and village was in favour of those who live in the city, and between village and camp was in favour of those who live in camps. On the basis of the above findings the researcher recommended the following: 1- The officials in the private and governmental establishments in Nablus should give special attention to improve the personality traits among the working women especially the emotional steadiness. 2- Attention should be given to improve the control trait among the women who have less than a diploma qualification. Training workshops should be held for these women and they should be encouraged to continue their higher education. 3- Sociability and responsibility traits among the employee slouldd be improved because they demonstrated a lower degree of these traits than the managers.
The purpose of this study was to identify the personality traits of the working woman in the public and private sectors in Nablus. Moreover, this study aimed at identifying the effect of the work sector, marital status, age, qualification, career, salary, and the place (If residence on the personality traits. The sample of the study consisted of (3 51) working women. They were asked to fill in profile scale. This scale consisted of (40) items divided equally into four domains: responsibility, emotional steadiness, authority, and sociability. Data that were obtained was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) Results indicated that all the traits were common among women but in different degrees. The highest percentage was for the control trait (65.89), then the sociability (64.88%), the authority (64.84%). Results also indicated that there was no significant differences at (α = 0.05) in the personality traits of the working woman in the private and public sectors in Nablus due to the marital status, age, and salary variables. Moreover, results pointed out that there was a significant difference in some of the personality traits due to the working sector, qualification, career, and place of residence variables. In addition, concerning the work sector, the statistical difference in the control and responsibility traits between the public and private sectors was in favour of the public sector. And concerning the qualification, the statistical difference in the control trait between the M.A holders and the Diploma was in favour of the M.A holders and those who have higher qualifications. Furthermore, concerning trait between the manager position and other positions in favour of the manager position. Concerning the place of residence, the difference in the control trait between city and village was in favour of those who live in the city, and between village and camp was in favour of those who live in camps. On the basis of the above findings the researcher recommended the following: 1- The officials in the private and governmental establishments in Nablus should give special attention to improve the personality traits among the working women especially the emotional steadiness. 2- Attention should be given to improve the control trait among the women who have less than a diploma qualification. Training workshops should be held for these women and they should be encouraged to continue their higher education. 3- Sociability and responsibility traits among the employee slouldd be improved because they demonstrated a lower degree of these traits than the managers.