Short Communication: Pharmacological Investigation of Plant-Derived Pharmaceuticals in ‎Palestine

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Nidal Jaradat
Samah Kerki‎
Waleed Sweileh
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A survey of the plant derived pharmaceuticals in the Palestinian drug market was carried out. The Palestinian Pharmaceutical Index (PPI) which contains a list of the imported and locally produced pharmaceuticals was manually reviewed. The search in the PPI for plant-derived pharmaceuticals shows that laxatives drug class has the highest percentage (60%) followed by bronchial spasm relaxants (56%) and drugs acting on uterus (50%). This survey shows the distribution of plant derived pharmaceuticals among the different pharmacological drug classes. It also shows that plant derived pharmaceuticals still have a reasonable share of the drug market as investigated in Palestine. Medical personnel may need further information on herbalA survey of the plant derived pharmaceuticals in the Palestinian drug market was carried out. The Palestinian Pharmaceutical Index (PPI) which contains a list of the imported and locally produced pharmaceuticals was manually reviewed. The search in the PPI for plant-derived pharmaceuticals shows that laxatives drug class has the highest percentage (60%) followed by bronchial spasm relaxants (56%) and drugs acting on uterus (50%). This survey shows the distribution of plant derived pharmaceuticals among the different pharmacological drug classes. It also shows that plant derived pharmaceuticals still have a reasonable share of the drug market as investigated in Palestine. Medical personnel may need further information on herbal pharmacology. pharmacology.
قمنا بعملية مسح دوائي للأدوية ذات المصدر النباتي الموجودة في السوق الدوائي في فلسطين. عملية المسح تمت بمراجعة دليل الأدوية الفلسطيني الذي يحتوي على قائمة بأسماء الأدوية المحلية والمستوردة. عملية المسح كشفت أن 60% من عائلة ادوية الملينات و56% من عائلة أدوية موسعات القصبات الهوائية و50% من عائلة أدوية الرحم مشتقة من أصول نباتية. هذا المسح الدوائي يبين توزيع الأدوية المشتقة من أصول نباتية في عائلات الأدوية المختلفة، كما أنه يبين ان هذا الأدوية ما زالت تحتفظ بنصيب معقول من السوق الدوائي. العاملين في الحقل الطبي قد يكونوا بحاجة الى زيادة معلومات في مجال علم الأدوية النباتي.