The Efforts of Al-Sheikh Ahmad Abdul – Rahman "Watchmaker" with Al-Hadith

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Nasir Nasr Tahir Hamdan
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Praise be to Allah the lord of worlds, and the peace and blessing be upon the master of messengers and his family, companions and whoever follows their righteous way till the day of judgement Sheikh Sa'ati has great efforts in the field of Hadith. The researchers should study his works and explain his methodology and bring to light his merits and status. however, some reasons prevented that. the most important among them may be the absence of Assa'ati's books in addition to the political conditions in his time and the time followed that. these reasons had great influence on discouraging the researchers to study his methodology and efforts in the field of prophetic Hadith After studying the book of "al-Fath Ar-Rabbani", I saw that Sheikh Sa'ati's methodology, efforts and status should be explained and shown to people In the first chapter, the study dealt with the life of sheikh Ahmad Abdurrahman al-Banna - Assa'ati- his birth, growing up, study, his teachers and pupils. Also, it dealt with his economic and social situations such as his marriage and the life's difficulties and their influence on him; then, it dealt with the political situations during his life, and the influence of that on his book and on the improvement of his study. it also dealt with the religious situations in the 18th century before his birth and during his life; and the influence of the Egyptian rulers on the religious situation in Egypt; and the influence of that on the Sa'ati's life and his improvement in Hadith. and finally, it dealt with the cultural and scientific situations which were dominated during his life, and their influence on his improvement in Hadith In the second chapter, the research dealt with Sa'ati's efforts in his most important works, the book of " al-Fath Arrabbani fi Tarteeb Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal al-Shaibani". The original book and his author (Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal) were identified. then it talked about the re-order of Al-Musnad in Al-Fath Arrabbani and the Sa'ati's methodology in the later, the difficulties faced him and the reason motivated him to re-order the regional book. finally, it dealt with the book of "Buloogh al-Amani Min Fi Asrar al-fath Arrabbani". Analyzing the book and its methodology was also dealt with in this chapter We delt with another book of Assa'at in in the third chapter, "Minhat al-Ma'bood Fi Tarteeb Musnad Attyalsi Abi dawod Muthayalan Bitta'leeq al-Mahmoud Ala Minhat Alma'boud" The original book and its author (Imam Abu-Dawod Attayalsi) and the Sa'ati's methodology were identified. then the researcher talked about the book of "Mihat al-Ma'boud" , its definition and the reason motivated Assa'ati to reorder Musnad Abu-Dawod in it. The methodology of Sa'ati, and the way of dividing and reordering this book were also explained. Also, the researcher mentioned the Sanad ( series of narrators) which linked Sa'ati to Imam abu-Dawod Tayalsi. Finally, the researcher talked about " Atta'leeq Al-Mahmoud Ala Mihat Al-Ma'boud". he defined the book and explained sheikh Sa'ati's methodology in it In the fourth chapter, the study dealt with the book of " Kitab Badae' Al-minan Fi Tartrrb Musnad Ashshadi'i Wa-Ssunan Ma' Sharheh AlQawl al-Hasan". this chapter has many sections in which the researcher dealt with defining the two original books " Musnad Ashshaf'i" and "Sunan Ashshaf'i" and their author (Imam Ashshaf'i). Then he talked about " Kitab Badae' Al-minan Fi Tartrrb Musnad Ashshadi'i Wa-Ssunan Ma' Sharheh AlQawl al-Hasan" in which he defined the book " Badae' Alminan" and the reason motivated Ass'ati to reorder the Musnad and the Sunan, and the sa'ati methodology in the two books. Moreover, the researcher talked about the " AlQawl al-Hasan Sharh Bade' Al-minan " in which he also defined the book and the Sa'ati's methodology in it Finally, the researcher talked about the book of " Tanweer Al-af'ida Azzakiya fi Adillat Azkar al-Watheefa Azuruqeya" which is considered the first of Sa'ati's works. the researcher dealt with its definition, its author and the methodology of Sa'ati in it And the conclusion which includes the most important findings
الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين، وآله وصحبه أجمعين، ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين، وبعد... للشيخ الساعاتي منزلة عظيمة في الحديث الشريف وعلومه، كان على الباحثين دراسة آثاره وبيان منهجه وبيان فضله ومنزلته، ولكن حالت أسباب دون حصول ذلك، ولعل أهم هذه الأسباب، الظروف السياسية التي حصلت في عصر الساعاتي وبعده، وبعد الاطلاع على كتاب الفتح الرباني، ارتأيت أن من حق هذا الشيخ الجليل علينا أن نبين للناس منهجه في الحديث، وأثره ومنزلته بين العلماء. تحدثت الدراسة عن حياة الشيخ أحمد عبد الرحمن البنا الشهير (بالساعاتي) من مولده ونشأته وطلبه للعلم، وشيوخه وتلاميذه، والحالة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية، والسياسية والدينية في القرن التاسع عشر قبيل ولادة الشيخ، وخلال حياته، وأثر الحكام المصريين على الحالة الدينية والعلمية والثقافية التي سادت المجتمع المصري خلال حياته وأثر ذلك على تقدم الشيخ العلمي. ثم جهود الشيخ في الحديث الشريف من خلال ما قام به من أعمال، وأهمها على الإطلاق كتاب " الفتح الرباني في ترتيب مسند الإمام أحمد بن حنبل الشيباني"، تحدثت فيه عن إعادة ترتيب " المسند " في كتاب " الفتح الرباني "، وكيفية العمل في كتاب " الفتح الرباني "، والصعوبات التي واجهت الشيخ في العمل. ثم السبب الذي دعا الشيخ الساعاتي لإعادة ترتيب مسند الإمام أحمد بن حنبل. ثم الحديث عن كتاب " بلوغ الأماني من أسرار الفتح الربانب " وفيه تفصيل عن هذا الكتاب وكيفية العمل فيه. ثم الحديث عن الكتب الأخرى " منحة المعبود في ترتيب مسند الطيالسي ابي داود مذيلا بالتعليق المحمود على منحة المعبود "، من تعريف بالكتاب، والسبب الذي دعا الساعاتي لإعادة ترتيب مسند الإمام أبي داود، وكيفية العمل في هذا الكتاب، وترتيبه وتقسيمه، وسند الشيخ الساعاتي المتصل بالإمام أبي داود الطيالسي، ثم الحديث عن " التعليق المحمود على منحة المعبود ": أعرِّف فيه بالكتاب، وعمل الشيخ فيه. و " كتاب بدائع المنن في ترتيب مسند الشافعي والسنن مع شرحه القول الحسن ": وفيه تعريف بالكتاب، والسبب الذي دعا الشيخ لإعادة ترتيب " مسند الشافعي والسنن "، وعمل الشيخ بالكتاب. ثم الحديث عن " القول الحسن شرح بدائع المنن ". وفيه تعريف بالكتاب، وعمل الشيخ فيه. وأخيراً تحدثت عن كتاب " تنوير الأفئدة الزكية في أدلة اذكار الوظيفة الزروقية "، أول إصدارات الشيخ، من تعريفٍ بالوظيفة الزروقية، ومؤلفها، وعمل الشيخ فيها. الخاتمة: وفيها أهم النتائج والملحوظات التي توصل إيها البحث.