Jerusalem and its Lexical Indicators in Samih Al-Qasim's Poetry

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Jerusalem has been in the heart of his Al-Qasim's poetry to the extent that he named one of his poetry collection (The amulet of The Princess Yabus ) after the ancient name of Jerusalem Yabus. Describing Jerusalem, Al-Qasim was inspired by what has been written in the Holy Quran, the Bible , the Gospel about Jerusalem in addition to the stories of prophets as a means to explore the connotational meanings of the lexical components related to Jerusalem. The objective was then to show the historical and religious position of Jerusalem throughout history. The use of Jerusalem and its synonymous names reflect the richness of Al-Qasim's cultural and historical knowledge which enabled him to describe the social and political situation of Jerusalem over time especial under the Canaanite era.
لقدْ جاءَتْ هذِه الدِّراسَةُ لِتتناوَلَ حُضورَ القُدْسِ في شِعْرِ سَميح القاسِم،؛ حيْثُ تتناوَلُ الأَلْفاظَ الخاصَّةَ بالقُدْس، ودلالاتِها التي استلْهمَها مِنَ التُراثِ الدّينيِّ على تنوُّعِه بمَا يَشي بقَداسَتِها، ومَكانتِها التي رسَختْ في القلوبِ وفي العُقولِ، وتعمَّقتْ في الوجْدان؛ حيْثُ نجدُ القاسِمَ قدْ وظَّفَ كثيراً مِنَ مَعانِي الإِنْجيلِ والتّوراةِ والقُرآنِ الكَريمِ وألْفاظِها في شِعْرِه، وبخَاصَّةٍ في ديوانِه " أُخْذَةُ يَبُوس ".
القدس , سميح القاسم , مؤتمر يوم القدس الثالث عشر , مؤتمر القدس