استجابة الاجهاد الملحي في نبات البندورة باستخدام نظام الزراعة المائية المعاملة ب البكتيريا المحفزة للنمو (PGPR)
Salahat, Taj Matar Talal
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جامعة النجاح الوطنية
This research was designed to evaluate and measure the impact of various level of sodium chloride (NaCl) on tomato plant in the presence or absence of Pseudomonas fluorescence bacteria. The study conducted under hydroponic system using one variety of tomato plant under different salinity levels (0,100,150) mM with and without P. fluorescence.
The lines in the system was irrigated with different concentrations of NaCl, each salinity level was subjected to inoculation with P. fluorescence and no inoculation. The result of this study showed that salt stress without P. fluorescence inoculation caused reduction in growth and yield parameter such as (shoot height, fruit number, flowering intensity, number of leaves, root mass, and fresh and dry weight.....). the most remarkable effect of P. fluorescence inoculation was a twofold increase in flowering intensity and fruit number and more than threefold increase in fruit weight. Which indicate higher productive due to the P. fluorescence inoculation.
The chemical analysis showed accumulation of sodium and chloride in root for inoculated plant with bacteria in relation to salinity and no interaction between bacterial inoculation and salinity in Ca, N, Na and Cl leaf content, which might indicates a response of osmotic potential. results that plant inoculated with P. fluorescence revealed less N content than non-inoculated plant with 0.18% compared to 0.29% respectively.
However, Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) can improve and enhance plant growth and development, also stress adaptation in present of salinity this lead to improve and enhance plant growth and yield.
The inoculation of remarkably of P. fluorescence increased plant height, number of leaves and flower, total biomass of plant, early flowering, enhance root system also increased absorption of (K and P) in root and leaf, The Ca in root was 5% for inoculated plant with P. fluorescence at control level compared with 4.83% for non-inoculated plant at the same level of salinity. Plant inoculated with P. fluorescence showed moderate tolerance to salt stress than non-inoculated plant.
Many studies revealed that the effect of high salinity on bacteria activity throw increase osmotic strength and toxic effect but present of salt tolerant bacteria as (P. fluorescence) might increase productivity of plant under saline condition.
The study revealed that the effect of saline irrigation water in (hydroponic system),degree of effect that reduced by addition of P. fluorescence to plant than non-inoculated.