Alhieh In Aljahili Poetry

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Mahmoud Sabri Ali Abd-Allah
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The pre-Islam poetry (Aljahili) was being composed in the Arabs dewans; and it reflected their national identity .Through the lines of poetry, the nations’ life was reflected . I was eager to investigate the life of the Arabs, taking into account the fact that the other writers were unjust in dealing with them. They considered them ignorant, and their poetry was simple and mere shepherds’ poetry. Because of this, I chose my subject “Alhieh (the snake) in the Jahili (pre-Islam) poetry, because this animal (the snake) is present in the myths, tales and religions. One reason for this research is that what exists in the Arab literature does not exceed the traditional look, considering the snake as a normal animal, and the lack of a specialized study in this concern. This research is distinguished from other researches in the fact that it talks about Alhieh (the snake) in detail in Aljahili (pre-Islam) poetry. This research depended mainly on the ancient Arab references such as Lisan Al-Arab, Alhaiwan, Hayat Alhaiwan Alkubra and other references, both ancient and modern. My research is divided into a preface, four chapters, photograph album, verse dictionary and a conclusion. The first chapter talks about Alhieh (the snake) in the past. I talked in it about the presence of Alhieh (the snake) and its positions in the religion of the old, and its beliefs, habits and cermonies. I began with Sumerian, Babylon, Canaanites, Greek and Hebrews. I also talked about Alhieh in the Arab life and their look towards it. I talked about the role of Alhieh in the tales and stories of the Arabs and adventures of the pre-Islam and the value of the snake in life, sickness, cure and the way of treating the bitten by it. It becomes clear that the snake had a high position in the life of these nations. They sacrificed it. It was considered as a symbol of faith, fertility, growth, renewal and eternity .The Jewish religion considered it the reason of seducing eve, and the cause of her fall from the paradise (heaven) to earth. Christians were mainly affected by the Jews and considered it a symbol of rescue and wisdom. The Arabs named their children after the names of Alhieh. They believed it to be the daughter of fairy, and so it was widely mentioned in their tales and stories about fairy. The second chapter was devoted to talk about the life of Alhieh . I talked about the meaning of Alhieh and its names, which were ordered alphabetically. It has more than thirty names. I, also, talked about its colors and their relationship with the natural surroundings. I also talked about its body from head to tail . I also reflected the poets’ attitudes towards the parts of its body , such as head, tongue, tusks, eyes …etc. The name of Alhieh (the snake) is closely connected with the word Alhaya (The life). The poets concentrated on the parts of the body of the snake which symbolized life and death. In the third chapter, I talked about Alhieh ( the snake) in Aljahli (pre-Islam) poetry.I talked about Alhieh and the woman. I also talked about the relationship between Alhieh and the plants and its relationship with Aljin (fairy). I talked about Alhieh and water and about the places of its existence on earth. There was close relationship of mentioning Alhieh and woman, Alhieh and plants. This relationship is deeply rooted in the history. It was clearly concluded that Alhieh and Aljin (fairy) are closely related; so people began to think of ways to beat it and the best solution for them was to say prayers. The people of Aljahilieh were afraid of coming close to water resources feeling that Alhieh was there. Finally, the fourth chapter was devoted to four subjects: sin and vile, eternity and life, fertility and evil. I concluded that Alhieh had very old symbols (since the paradisiacal stage) in which it stood for the guard of the paradise.It seduced Eve of eating from the forbidden tree, and was considered responsible for Eve’s sin and fall from heaven to earth. The feeling of enmity between Alhieh and women is eternal. The myths, poems, the verses of holy Quran and the sayings of prophet Mohammad reinforced this kind of relationship. The Jahili poets saw in Alhieh a symbol of strength, renewal, life and eternity, on the other hand it symbolizes evil, treachery killing, death for others. As it was considered life giving, it was considered life taking. In this way the cycle of nature is completed with all its elements.
يتبين لنا أن الحية احتلت مكانة عالية لدى الأمم القديمة, كالسومريين, والبابليين, والكنعانيين, والفينيقيين, والفراعنة, واليونانيين, والعبريين, الذين نظروا إليها نظرة ملؤها التقديس والرهبة والرغبة, لما رأوا فيها من رموز للخير والخصب والنماء, والتجدد والخلود, دون سائر الحيوانات. وعلى مستوى الديانات, احتلت الحية دوراً هاماً, فعدتها اليهودية سبب إغراء حواء, والسقوط من العالم السماوي, إلى العالم الأرضي، الذي يمثل الشقاء, وبذلك تكون الحية الشخصية المركزية في تحول آدم وحواء من النعيم والخلود, إلى الشقاء والموت. وفي المسيحية تأثر النصارى باليهود, فرأوا في الحية رمز الحكمة. أما العرب, فلم ينظروا إلى الحية نظرة طبيعية, على أساس أنها حيوان عادي, بل رأوا فيها حيواناً غريباً ذا قوة خارقة, لذا سموا أبنائهم بأسمائها, الأمر الذي جعلها أكثر الحيوانات ورودا في القصص والحكايات. وللحية أسماء كثيرة, تتجاوز ثلاثين أسماً, هذه الحية التي ترتبط بالحياة من خلال اسمها, هذا الاسم الذي تعددت دلالاته, مما جعل بعضها أكثر وروداً من غيرها عند الشعراء الجاهليين, وكذلك تعددت ألوانها التي عكست أبعاداً نفسية واجتماعية لدى الإنسان الجاهلي. ولأهمية الحية في الفكر الجاهلي، تعددت مواضع ورودها في الشعر, فكانت ملازمة للمرأة، في جوانب حياتها, وكذلك لها علاقة قوية جداً بالنبات, هذه العلاقة التي ترجع بداياتها إلى العهد الفردوسي، لذالك كانت لها علاقة بالجن الذي شغل فكر الجاهلين, فرأوا بينهما علاقة وطيدة, بل توحداً، الأمر الذي جعل لديهم مخاوف منها, فاستعانوا بالرقية التي مثلت أملاً في التعامل مع هذا الحيوان القوي. وللحية علاقة قوية جداً بالماء، لذا أكثر الشعراء من ذكر أماكن المياه التي لم تخل من الحيات, وكأنها حارسة تلك الأماكن, ولكن ذلك لم يمنعها من التواجد في كل أنحاء الأرض. وللحية رموز لدى الشاعر الجاهلي, منها المعصية والخطيئة, والخلود والحياة، والخصب, والشر، هذه الرموز التي تعود جذورها إلى اللحظة التي أغوت فيها حواء بالأكل من الشجرة المحرمة, حيث تحولت حياة آدم وحواء من حياة النعيم إلى حياة الشقاء, فقامت العداوة بين الطرفين إلى يوم الدين, وخلدت الأساطير والأشعار الجاهلية هذه العلاقة، مما جعل الشاعر الجاهلي يرى في الحية رمز القوة والحيوية والخلود, و بالمقابل مثلت الشر والدهاء والفتك والموت, فهي الأقوى من بين حيوانات البيئة, لذا اتخذها الشاعر الجاهلي سلاحاً معنوياً يهدد به الآخرين.