Birth Attendant: Midwife Or Obstetrician , Factors Affecting The Choice Among Low Risk Pregnancies In North Of The West Bank: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Quantitative Study (2017-2018)

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Wai'd Qteat
Marah Arja
Hadeel Sameer
Israa Odeh
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Background: The health care provider who will be the main attendant in mother’s giving birth is a role player in success and positive outcomes in the delivery process. While there is a noticeable difference between doctor’s and midwife’s role in this process, lack of research and importance of this topic lead us to conduct this study in order to look for possible factors that can affect mother’s choice between doctor and midwife. Aim: The study aims to identify factors affecting women's choice of birth attendant over the other. Also, in a Likert-scale model, it aims to evaluate mothers’ overall opinion about different aspects of doctor’s and midwife’s antenatal visits. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional quantitative design is chosen to ask 102 conveniently chosen mothers of low-risk pregnancy by using a questionnaire developed by researchers to clarify information about mother’s choice and factors. The study was conducted in Tulkarem, Jenin and Rafidia Governmental hospitals, postnatal wards. Results and conclusion: While 69.6% of mothers are in age of 20s and 37.3% have university degree, 60.8% of mothers stated that their birth is held independently by a midwife, and 47.1% prefer to choose a midwife in their giving birth. Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.919 ensures that the self-made scale that was used is valid. 15.2% of mothers strongly agree that the care delivered by doctors is enough and is competent in antenatal visits, while 48.1% see the same in midwife’s.
Maternal health, birth attendant, midwife, doctor, obstetrician, antenatal, perinatal, visits, governmental hospitals, postnatal ward, risk factor.