Variation Orders

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Medhat .R.H.Athamna
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   This project importance comes from the fact that the variation orders (V.Os) are the main reason of many claims that arise during the construction project and their impact on the project cost and schedule  : most projects in Palestine are subjected to cost overrun and/or being late from schedule, so we need to study this subject and clarify it for contractor and owner, then finding a specified pattern in dealing with V.Os. We intend to cover the V.Os definition, reasons, different types, influencing factors and means of dealing with it, in order to make contractors and owners more familiar with them, thus limiting claims ,and a develop road map to deal with V.Os in the construction projects. The research methodology will include: reading previous researches and collecting data from previous construction projects , distributing questionnaires among consultants and contractors ,  field visits for projects under execution , and compare between FIDIC , Ministry of public works and The International Bank ;comparison will be about  general conditions that are related to V.Os followed by each of these institutes . This project was done before but in other countries , we will perform it in the construction sector in Palestine which is filled with many similar examples of V.Os .     
  (V.Os) : / V.Os. V.Os . : FIDIC V.Os . V.Os.