King in Poetry Ignorant

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Mohayya Abd-Raheem Khader Nassef
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The current research focused on Aljahleon poems and kings "King in Poetry Ignorant".The study included an introduction and three chapters. The introduction presents the reasons behind the selection of this topic and the main literature recourse used.The first chapter included an introduction that discusses the definitions and linguistic meanings of the word king in ancient languages in addition to two main streams, the first discuses king in human heritage. I found that kings were looked at and considered as holly as God.This gave them the power to role nation's heritage. In the second stream "Kings in Aljahleon heritage" I did not find that Aljahleon were different in their point view from other nations towards the kings and concluded that humans in general are in need to the power that control the universe, a power that they respect and obey and kings were that power that provide them with security. The second chapter handled kings in poetry ignorant and I found that poets included kings in their poems, but kings were a part of the poem and were mentioned in contemporary, praise and defamation and other social aspects of life representing a honest view of Aljahleon life. The third chapter represents the king's images in the poetry ignorant and found three dimensions for this image a religious dimension in which king was thought of as God and in other cases considered as the sun, moon and others. The second image was a psychological dimension of the poets through their views of the good and evil of kings. The third dimension was the social aspect and in this respect, the king has two images; the first considered the king as a symbol of power and oppression and high ranking and the second as a symbol of giving, good, forgiving and welfare and both of these images reflected in an honest way the life of Aljahleon. In conclusion, I summarized the result of the study and ended with a list of used references. Judgments and the lexical meanings.his defines the original poetry and poem which appeared in an attracting way by the end of the third Hijri century and was at the top interest of the language sciences. The current study focused on collecting as much as possible of the poem of this period and I followed during this study two styles: a historical through citation of this phenomenon and the central subjects concerning linguistic, grammatical and scientific; and an analytic descriptive method that was used in the analysis of few poems with respect to its styles, roles and judgments.In addition to that, analysis included the lexical meanings especially those contradict the linguistic features.The study was divided into six chapters and ended with a conclusion included the results of the study. The first chapter discussed the phenomenon of the of the poem of "Al-mtoon", its origin, extensions, and the most important figures of that poem. The second chapter discussed meanings and words, common moral and the verbal ones, and those that share the same common verbal sense and differ in meanings including the opposites. The third chapter included the begging's of the riddles and their types including the linguistic and grammatical in addition to those poets who wrote riddles. The forth chapter was allocated to the grammatical systems and analyzed what is contradictory with the language rules. The fifth chapter was dedicated to poems related to the religion sciences, which is usually written by scholars and includes jurisprudence judgments on the basis of one of the doctrines. Chapters six was a collection of various related topics in order complete and tackle the various aspects of the poem of "Al-mtoon" and included poems of eloquence, medicine and history.
يدور هذا البحث حول "الملك في الشعر الجاهلي"، حيث جاء في مقدمة وثلاثة فصول، عرضت في المقدمة إلى أسباب اختيار هذا البحث، وإلى أهم المصادر والمراجع التي سيرتكز عليها،حيث جعلت الفصل الأول في تمهيد ومبحثين، تحدثت في التمهيد عن معنى كلمة ملك في اللغات القديمة، ومعناها في العربية، وتحدثت في المبحث الأول عن الملك في الموروث الإنساني، فوجدتهم قد نظروا إليه نظرة تقديس وإجلال، فكان إلهاً أو شبه إله، وخلعوا عليه بعداً أسطورياً مكّن الملوك من السيطرة على ثروات تلك الأمم، وضمان طاعتها لهم. ولم أجد نظرة الجاهليين في المبحث الثاني "الملك في الموروث الجاهلي" تختلف كثيراً عن نظرة الأمم الأخرى له، حيث تكاد تتطابق نظرتهم إليه مع نظرة تلك الأمم، وخلصت إلى أن البشر بعامة يحتاجون إلى قوة تسيطر على الكون، يدينون لها بالولاء، ويلوذون بها مما يعانون، فكان الملك هو تلك القوة، كان مقدساً بالنسبة إليهم، حيث مثل لهم أيضاً الأمن والأمان. أما الفصل الثاني، فقد تناولت فيه الملك وأغراض الشعر الجاهلي، حيث وجدت الشعراء قد تناولوا الملك في أشعارهم وعرضوا له في قصائدهم، فجاء في المديح، والرثاء، والهجاء، والحكمة، والاعتذار، والاستعطاف، ممزوجاً بالقضايا الحياتية الأخرى، ممثلا تمثيلا صادقا للحياة الجاهلية. وفي الفصل الثالث تناولت أبعاد صورة الملك في الشعر الجاهلي، فوجدت لهذه الصورة ثلاثة أبعاد، حيث زخرت في بعدها الديني بالمعتقدات الدينية والقصص القديم الموروث، فصوّروا الملك إلهاً أو شبيهاً بالإله، وصوّروه بالشمس والقمر، وسجلت في بعدها النفسي أحاسيس الشعراء وما رأوه في الملك من خيرٍ فأحبوه، وما توجسوا فيه من شر فخشوه، أما البعد الاجتماعي، فقد وجدت للملك فيه صورتين: في الأولى كان رمز القوة، والبطش، والمكانة العالية، وفي الثانية كان رمز العطاء، والخير، والتسامح، والرفاهية، حيث امتزجت الصورتان بالواقع الاجتماعي للجاهليين، وعبرت عنه بصدق. وفي الخاتمة أجملت ما توصلت إليه في دراستي من نتائج، وأتبعتها بثبت للمصادر والمراجع، فرتبتها حسب الحروف الهجائية