The Effect Of Varied Intensity Interval Training On Some Physiological Variables And Numerical Level Among Long Distance Runners On The Scientific School To The Yemen Capital – Sana'a

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Abdulghane Mutahar
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This study aimed at identifying the effects of Interval training of changeable intensity on improvement of heart rate, aerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance, and mileage in long distance racing with young runners. The overall population of this study was composed of all long distance runners in Sana’a – Republic of Yemen. The sample of this study was deliberately selected from the overall community composed of sixteen runners were chosen from Al-Sha’ab, Al-Hamazah, and Al-Kuwait High Schools. Then, this sample was divided into two equivalent groups at all the variables of this study. The experimental group was exposed to the suggested and planned program while the control group continued to use the traditional training program. The researcher used the experimental methodology which is compatible to the nature of this study. The researcher designed the suggested training program which consists of 48 training units carried out during 8 weeks at the rate of 6 units per week after going through the available background including the previous studies, the athletic references and books. The samples had performed the pretest and post-test at the whole variables of this study, at the same conditions and following the same procedures. Results of this study were statistically analyzed using average, Standard Deviation and t-test to know the statistical significant level of those results. This study had concluded that there are statistically significant differences between the pre-test and the post-test measurements. The posttest reflected an improvement in heart rate during rest, aerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance and mileage with members of the subject sample. On the other hand, there were statistically insignificant differences between the pre and the post measurements with the members of the feature sample. The post tests had shown clearly a statistically significant differences between the two samples. The heart rate, aerobic endurance, and mileage improved in those members of the subject sample. In addition, there were no statistically significant difference between both samples regarding improving the anaerobic endurance. This study recommends that coaches could benefit from the suggested program used in this study. In addition, it emphasizes the necessity of making similar studies using this program with a sample of champion’s long-distance runner’s athletes.