The Relation Between the Evaluation Activities and the Level of Achievement of Students of the Tenth Grade in Mathematics

dc.contributor.advisorDr. Salah Yasin
dc.contributor.authorMohammad Othman Matar
dc.description.abstractThis study is an effort to highlight the most important factors in the educational process: The level of achievement and the effect of activities of evaluation on this level, The study tries to deal with evaluation activities in an integrative way and to investigate their relation with the level of achievement in accordance with the students’ points of view. The study builds up its results through answers to the following questions: What is the relation between homework assignments and students’ achievement level in maths? What is the relation between classroom questions asked bythe teacher and students’ achievement level in maths? What is the relation between evaluation activities included in the textbook and students’ achievement level in maths? What is the relation between teacher made test and students’ achievement level in maths? What is the relation between innovative activities on students’ achievement level in maths? Students of the tenth grade in Qalqilia province represented the population of the study. The researcher has chosen a random stratified sample of (161) students, division B classes in schools that have more than one division for the same grade. This study covered tive schools of this kind (Boys schools, girl’s schools, boys and girls schools). The researcher has made an analytical study of the content of the curriculum of math for the tenth grade. He used the school textbook, the teacher’s guide and the curriculum guidelines in maths in the basic stage. The researcher has also designed the tools to perform the study: An achievement test and a questionnaire. He showed them to a team of scrutineers to insure validity. The tools were applied on the selected sample on May 27, 1998. The researcher applied split half and Krounbach- Alfa equation to prove the credibility of the study.The reliability factor of the test mounted to 0.85, and for the questionnaire 0.87. These values are educationally acceptable for tl1e purpose of the study. The researcher used the Person Correlation to find out the correlation between tl1e students’ achievement level and their response to the variables contained in the questionnaire in an effort to point out the significant factors. The study showed that the achievement level is affected by educational variables used as strategies to control students’ learning as: • Giving homework assignments. • The difficulty of these assignments. • The student’s ability to ask his teacher during the period. • The post evaluation process. • The teacher’s tendency to introduce questions of practical or applied types. • The diversity of the questions introduced in the student’s book (subjective and objective). • The correspondence of the student’s intellectual level with the types of the questions introduced in the student’s book. • The enhancement of scientific thinking of the questions introduced in the student’s book. • Text book questions sequence from what’s easy to difficult . • The student’s free reading on topics related to math. • The frequency of testing. The Step Wise Regression analysis shows that 23 % of the variation in the level of achievement is a result of The teacher’s tendency to introduce questions of practical or applied types, the enhancement of scientific thinking of the questions introduced in the stude11t’s book, the student’s free reading on topics related to math and exclusion of tests from student’s book. The researcher recommended that more studies on the effect of educational variables on the level of achievement should be made with concentration on strategies that are very efficient and active in watching out the students’ performance. He also recommended to consider new evaluation techniques that proved efficiency in modern educational systems, this will naturally benefit in raising and improving the standards and levels of achievement in Palestinian schools.en
dc.description.abstractThis study is an effort to highlight the most important factors in the educational process: The level of achievement and the effect of activities of evaluation on this level, The study tries to deal with evaluation activities in an integrative way and to investigate their relation with the level of achievement in accordance with the students’ points of view. The study builds up its results through answers to the following questions: What is the relation between homework assignments and students’ achievement level in maths? What is the relation between classroom questions asked bythe teacher and students’ achievement level in maths? What is the relation between evaluation activities included in the textbook and students’ achievement level in maths? What is the relation between teacher made test and students’ achievement level in maths? What is the relation between innovative activities on students’ achievement level in maths? Students of the tenth grade in Qalqilia province represented the population of the study. The researcher has chosen a random stratified sample of (161) students, division B classes in schools that have more than one division for the same grade. This study covered tive schools of this kind (Boys schools, girl’s schools, boys and girls schools). The researcher has made an analytical study of the content of the curriculum of math for the tenth grade. He used the school textbook, the teacher’s guide and the curriculum guidelines in maths in the basic stage. The researcher has also designed the tools to perform the study: An achievement test and a questionnaire. He showed them to a team of scrutineers to insure validity. The tools were applied on the selected sample on May 27, 1998. The researcher applied split half and Krounbach- Alfa equation to prove the credibility of the study.The reliability factor of the test mounted to 0.85, and for the questionnaire 0.87. These values are educationally acceptable for tl1e purpose of the study. The researcher used the Person Correlation to find out the correlation between tl1e students’ achievement level and their response to the variables contained in the questionnaire in an effort to point out the significant factors. The study showed that the achievement level is affected by educational variables used as strategies to control students’ learning as: • Giving homework assignments. • The difficulty of these assignments. • The student’s ability to ask his teacher during the period. • The post evaluation process. • The teacher’s tendency to introduce questions of practical or applied types. • The diversity of the questions introduced in the student’s book (subjective and objective). • The correspondence of the student’s intellectual level with the types of the questions introduced in the student’s book. • The enhancement of scientific thinking of the questions introduced in the student’s book. • Text book questions sequence from what’s easy to difficult . • The student’s free reading on topics related to math. • The frequency of testing. The Step Wise Regression analysis shows that 23 % of the variation in the level of achievement is a result of The teacher’s tendency to introduce questions of practical or applied types, the enhancement of scientific thinking of the questions introduced in the stude11t’s book, the student’s free reading on topics related to math and exclusion of tests from student’s book. The researcher recommended that more studies on the effect of educational variables on the level of achievement should be made with concentration on strategies that are very efficient and active in watching out the students’ performance. He also recommended to consider new evaluation techniques that proved efficiency in modern educational systems, this will naturally benefit in raising and improving the standards and levels of achievement in Palestinian
dc.titleThe Relation Between the Evaluation Activities and the Level of Achievement of Students of the Tenth Grade in Mathematicsen
dc.titleالعلاقة بين الأنشطة التقويمية وتحصيل طلبة الصف العاشر في الرياضيات في محافظة قلقيليةar
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