The Effect of the Israeli Settlements on the Building Expansion of the Populous Groupings in Salfit Governorate

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Rania Radwan El-Khateeb
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Salfit Governorate like the other west Bank governorates suffered from the random growth and unplanned building at the Palestinian populous groupings because of the group of the impediments and obstacles which the Israeli occupation created all through the previous years, in addition to the obscene or weakness of the national policies for planning and the urban and building development. Salfit Governorate has been facing the fierce settlements attack since 1967 at the aim of seizing the lands and demolishing the whole Palestine life as 22 settlements have been erected in front of 19 Palestinian Populous groupings, and the settlements have greatly affected the Palestinian growth and the building extension and the urban growth, and these settlements have led to the Palestinian concentration inside the groupings and in return the settlements expanded on the account of the Palestinian populous groupings without limits. This study was concerned in analyzing the current reality and groupings assessment to the Palestinian populous grouping in Salfit Governorate in the shade of the Israeli settlements presence as the research spoke about the subject of the bypass roads which have been erected around the Palestinian cities in the pretext of easing the settlers traffic and also the subject of the wall which Israel is erecting for supporting the Israeli settling aims. The study indicated to the continuity of the occupation and keeping the settlements which lead to aggravating the buildings problems and demolishing the Palestinian urban growth and hindering the trials of rising the Palestinian populous groupings, and they act on prohibiting the Palestinians from practicing the legal right in building and civilized growth like the other world peoples as the Israeli settlements act on disenfranchising the Palestinian territories and separating them from each other and on creating connection among the settlements across the loypass roads. This study also aimed at the following: 1. Limiting the effects which the Israeli settlements cause on the populous groupings in Salfit Governorate. 2. Measuring the size of the settlements effects on the building expansion in Salfit Governorate. 3. Studying the necessities and problems which the Populous groupings face in the Governorate and limiting them. 4. Limiting the possibilities granted at the territory of study and the method of its investment and exploitation in developing the populous groupings in the Governorate and developing it. 5. placing some strategies and suggestions around the directions of the building development in the Governorate. The study followed the descriptive method and analyzing and concluding method. The study ended to a group of the results of which the most important is Salfit Governorate Particularity from the other West Bank governorates, as it has been credited officially governorate and a governor has been appointed to it to do the authorized errand's granted to him on %09.2006; and for its nearness to armistice line and being considered on the line of touch with Israel which strongly tries to annex it via the fierce setting attack, and the respond was frank on the occupation policy in the area through encouraging. The private and public investments in the Governorate and establishing the various ministries and institutions and government and private directorates in addition to the municipalities and implementing development projects like hospitals and two branches for Al- Quds Open University in both Salfit and Bedia in addition to the infrastructure projects (roads asphalting) and the act on establishing a department for limitating the state properties (Tabu) in the Governorate for attracting the citizens to register their properties. But the most necessary recommendations are the necessity of placing comprehensive regional plans for facing the settling and organizing the building development to the Palestinian populous groupings in the Governorate through detailed studies and supervising them.
لقد عانت محافظة سلفيت كغيرها من محافظات الضفة الغربية من النمو العشوائي وغير المخطط للعمران في التجمعات السكنية الفلسطينية، وذلك بسبب مجموعة من المعوقات والعراقيل التي أوجدها الاحتلال الإسرائيلي طيلة السنوات السابقة بالإضافة إلى غياب أو ضعف السياسات الوطنية للتخطيط والتطوير الحضري والعمراني .فقد واجهت محافظة سلفيت الهجمة لاستعمارية الشرسة من عام 1967م بهدف الاستيلاء على الأرضي وتدمير الحياة الفلسطينية بكافة أشكالها . فقد أقيمت على أراضها 14 مستعمرة كما بلغ عدد المستعمرين الموجدين في المستعمرات والمقامة على اراضي المحافظة عام 2006 حوالي 56530 مستعمر، مقابل 19 تجمعا سكنيا فلسطينيا وبلغ عدد سكان المحافظة في عام 2007 حوالي 17751 نسمة. حيث أثرت المستعمرات بشكل كبير على النمو والامتداد العمراني والنمو الحضري الفلسطيني ، فأدت هذه المستعمرات إلى التركيز العمراني الفلسطيني داخل التجمعات وفي المقابل توسعت المستعمرات على حساب التجمعات السكنية الفلسطينية بدون قيود. فقد تناولت هذه الدراسة تحليل وتقييم الواقع الحالي للتجمعات السكانية الفلسطينية في محافظة سلفيت في ظل وجود المستعمرات الإسرائيلية، كما تناول البحث موضوع الطرق الالتفافية التي أقيمت حول المدن الفلسطينية بحجة تسهيل حركة تنقل المستعمرين وكذلك موضوع الجدار الذي تقوم إسرائيل بتشييده لدعم أهداف الاستعمار الإسرائيلي. كما أشارت الدراسة إلى أن استمرار الاحتلال وبقاء المستعمرات من شانهما أن يؤديا إلى تفاقم المشاكل العمرانية ويدمرا النمو الحضري الفلسطيني ويعرقلا محاولات النهوض بالتجمعات السكانية الفلسطينية كما يعملا على منع الفلسطينيين من ممارسة حقهم المشروع في نمو حضاري وعمراني كباقي شعوب العالم . حيث تعمل المستعمرات الإسرائيلية على جعل المناطق الفلسطينية معزولة ومنفصلة عن بعضها البعض، في المقابل تعمل على خلق تواصل بين المستعمرات عبر الطرق الالتفافية .