The International Trade Arbitration in the Frame of Dispute Method

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Elham Azzam Wahid EL Kharraz
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Laws dispute has been considered the main pivot which all the subjects that had been discussed and put forward in this thesis. The research had been started in the concerned law in the rule of arbitration agreement and what follows in dealing the faults whether they vitiate this agreement and is it dependent from the fundamental intent or an inseparable part of it, in addition to the arbitration panel and the mechanism of its formation and the applicably incumbent law which is followed by the panel reaching to the applicably incumbent law on the procedures of arbitration and the Fiqhi opinions which dealt this topic and their researching and analyzing and discussing the basic issues concerned in the arbitration procedures and the necessity of attendance and respect to the principle of the public order and the extent of cooperation between arbitration and judiciary in the issues of the procedures through reviewing and analyzing and submitting examples on the procedures. This what had been dealt in the first chapter via two subjects whereas each one included two demands. Regarding the application incumbent law on the subject of dispute this had been dealt in the second chapter. Through reviewing and analyzing this law which is applied on the contracts of the international trade in the shade of laws dispute and attribution due what follows on the subject and state and extent of the lawful relationship gravity which has the greatest role in limiting the applicably incumbent law due to what may be applied in the course of preparing and analyzing the followed theories in this matter then transferring to the law of volition and the degree of its effect on selecting the applicably incumbent law and which originates from the administration of the parties who own the freedom of selecting the law which judges their hade relationship and dealing and analyzing the state of disappearance of existence of the frank or tacit selecting by the parties of the applicably incumbent law on the topic of dispute. In the second subject of the second chapter, I dealt with the implementation of the arbitrary decision and its effect and what settles on it in addition the dealing the state of refusal of the arbitrary decision implementation or the defute in it through analyzing the subject and aid of the organizing the legal texts to this matter. Through this research, I have shown the importance of limiting the incumbent law concerning the International Trade Arbitration. But the no-existence of a certain side or clear criterion followed by the concerned parts or the descriptive legislations have made the status of arbitration Centers have made the status of arbitration as a means of settling the disputes a matter vitiated by ambiguity and not attaining the required end in most cases where they seriously and clearly require the necessity of following a method and unified order to be applied on the International Trade Arbitration issues in order to attain the effect and the required result from it.
تنازع القوانين في التحكيم التجاري الدولي يعد مثار جدل واسع ، يتناول القانون الواجب التطبيق على التحكيم، فإتفاقات التحكيم ، بالإضافة الى المزايا الأخرى التي تسرد بشأنها في هذا الصدد، تتميز بأنها اتفاقيات او شروط يرغب اطرافها بها ابعاد علاقاتهم عن نطاق الحلول القانونية والقضائية الوطنية العادية واللجوء الى إجراءات وحلول موضوعية اخرى تتفق اكثر مع مصالحهم المتبادلة ، وجوهر التحكيم التجاري وهدفة الرئيس يتلخص في ثلاث مسائل رئيسية هي: البحث عن مجموعة القواعد القانونية المناسبة للفصل في النزاع حول عقد التحكيم ذاته ، وتحديد الإجراءات المناسبة الواجب اتباعها لممارسة التحكيم ، واخيرا حل النزاع الموضوعي دون ارتباط بقانون وطني معين . ونظرا لأهمية التحكيم بشكل عام، والتحكيم التجاري الدولي بشكل خاص، عملت الدول على سن قوانين تنظم عملية التحكيم بمختلف مراحلها، وتعالج التنازع الذي قد يثور بصدد تحكيم تجاري دولي. ومن خلال الإطلاع على هذه القوانين يتضح أن المنازعات في مجال التجارة الدولية تثير صعوبات قانونية لا توجد في شأنها حلولا مستقرة، مما يؤدي إلى عرقلة التعامل التجاري وفي مقدمة هذه الصعوبات تعيين القانون الواجب التطبيق على النزاع والمحكمة المختصة بنظره.