The Kings in the Holy Quran

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Mostafa Mohammad Yusuf Khateab
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This study has been made: in the introduction, four chapters and an epilogue, and made in each chapter and the demands of Investigation and the ramifications, permitting scientific material available in the hands, and I saw the scope of subsidiarity, gives Thread Highlighting the best and good study. I have made in the first chapter: definition verbally considered a "king" and related in language, and by reference to the mothers of the books in the language, and showed its meaning in the term and long upon the people, as well as considering the Rord this word in the context of the Qur'an Vtaatbat citizen receipt and outlined, then words related to the theme of King, I figured clearest and show how it relates to verbally thoughtful and sometimes aspects of agreement and disagreement between them, said controls and standards which enable us to these kings were regarded as among the kings, which are either standards must be in the King Kgm or the leadership of the army or Quranic standards Kaltmacain in the ground, for example. In the second chapter talked about the types kings who reminded them the Koran, and within several divisions; as faith and whether or not, as well as in terms of the statement by name or not, as well as in terms of detail in their stories and brevity, it was stated the Koran kings believers as well as kings unbelievers, said the kings of names or their attributes and omitted others, said the stories of the kings on the face of lengthening and repetition, and shortened the male and the conditions of some of the stories, as well as mentioned in this chapter the purpose of the Holy Quran in general of stories that make up the kings Stories part of it, then the purpose of the kings stories in particular. In the third chapter: You mentioned the Kings faithful who proved their faith in either the text of the Koran or the phenomenon or year cleared and the effects of the Companions and the sayings of followers and commentators, and rank in chronological order but in a centuries due to ignorance Bzmanh, it has been shortened to talk about with respect to the King only in the Koran not even branched topic too much, so I Abyan mentioned in the Koran, and mentioned them of the qualities and conditions and what God Habahm potential and showed props that held each one of them his property, and reported associated with each of the factual issues of what I found. In the fourth chapter and the last: I talked about the unbelievers Kings in the Koran, and who set them as such the text of the Koran or the phenomenon, have followed the same approach followed in the third quarter, from ordering them according to the chronology, and the statement mentioned in the Koran and the statement of other qualities and conditions , as well as a statement props that have set up their own them, but to do so himself from each other, and in some cases involving the king of one of them without the other.
جاءت هذه جعلت هذه الدراسة: في مقدمة وأربعة فصول وخاتمة تحدثت في الفصل الأول فيها عن معنى الملوك, وما يتصل به في اللغة, وذلك بالرجوع لأمهات الكتب في اللغة, وبينت معناه في الاصطلاح وما تعارف عليه الناس, وكذلك النظر في ورورد هذا اللفظ في السياق القرآني فتتبعت مواطن وروده وبينتها, ثم الألفاظ ذات الصلة به, فكنت أوضحها وأبين كيفية اتصالها باللفظ المدروس وأحياناً أوجه الاتفاق والاختلاف بينهما, وذكرت الضوابط والمعايير التي من خلالها يتسنى من خلالها اعتبارهم من ضمن الملوك أم لا, وهي إما معايير لا بد أن تكون في الملك كالحكم أو قيادة الجيش أو معايير قرآنية كالتمكين في الأرض مثلاً. وجاء الفصل الثاني للحديث عن أنواع الملوك الذين ذكرهم القرآن الكريم, وذلك حسب تقسيمات عديدة؛ كالإيمان وعدمه, وكذلك من ناحية التصريح بالاسم أو عدمه, وكذلك من ناحية التفصيل في قصصهم والاختصار, وكذلك ذكرت ضمن هذا الفصل غرض القرآن الكريم بشكل عام من القصص والتي تشكل قصص الملوك جزءاً منها, ثم الغرض من قصص الملوك بشكل خاص. وذكر الفصل الثالث الملوك المؤمنين الذين ثبت لهم الإيمان إما بنص القرآن الكريم أو بظاهره أو بالسنة المطهرة وآثار الصحابة وأقوال التابعين والمفسرين, وقد رتبتهم وفق الترتيب الزمني إلا في ذي القرنين بسبب الجهل بزمانه, وقد اختصرت الحديث عن ما يخص الملك فقط في القرآن الكريم حتى لا يتشعب الموضوع كثيراً من خلال بيان صفاتهم وأحوالهم. وفي الفصل الرابع: تحدثت عن الملوك الكافرين, والذين ثبتت لهم هذه الصفة بنص القرآن الكريم أو بظاهره, وبيّنت صفاتهم وأحوالهم, وكذلك بيان الدعائم التي أقاموا ملكهم عليها, سوى ما انفرد به بعضهم عن بعض, وذلك في بعض القضايا التي تتعلق بملك أحدهم دون غيره.