Effects of Irrigation With Saline Water On The Growth and Yield of Cherry Tomato

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Buthaina Abd-Alaha Mahmoud Khader
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In l998/l999 season, cherry tomato plants were grown under plastic house conditions in pots. The experiment was conducted at An- Najah National University / Faculty of Agriculture — Tulkarem Campus, to study the effects of irrigation with saline water on cherry tomato yield and fruit quality parameters. Different levels of salinity were used to study the effect of salinity on cherry tomatoes. As these plants grown in pots, additions of salts were expressed in terms of weight of salt added in term of weight of salt added per unit weight of dry soil (0,1,3,6and 8 gm of salt per kg soil). The effects of irrigation levels also used (low, medium, high levels), in addition to the effect of three type soils also studied. The effect of fertilizers amount were studied by using different doses of N-P-K, and the effect of mulch cover also studied to study effect of mulch cover on plant tolerance to salinity. **It was found that: • As the salinity increased the yield and the vegetative growth in the different treatments were reduced but the amount of reduction differ between different treatments. • Were it was found that with mulch cover and clay soil, regular fertilizers Nl-Pl—Kl, and medium irrigation level the reduction in the yield as the salinity increase was less among other treatments (the threshold value (α = 4.5 and the slope b = 0.0584). • With increasing the amount of Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers the reduction of the yield as the salinity increase were reduced. • For the quality parameters it is found that as the salinity increase many quality parameters increase as TSS, reducing sugar, vitamin C, and V titrable acid. • As the plant stress increases these Quality parameters were better as the salinity increase and the irrigation level was reduced as in the sandy soil. • The PH didn’t differ with the different treatments.
In l998/l999 season, cherry tomato plants were grown under plastic house conditions in pots. The experiment was conducted at An- Najah National University / Faculty of Agriculture — Tulkarem Campus, to study the effects of irrigation with saline water on cherry tomato yield and fruit quality parameters. Different levels of salinity were used to study the effect of salinity on cherry tomatoes. As these plants grown in pots, additions of salts were expressed in terms of weight of salt added in term of weight of salt added per unit weight of dry soil (0,1,3,6and 8 gm of salt per kg soil). The effects of irrigation levels also used (low, medium, high levels), in addition to the effect of three type soils also studied. The effect of fertilizers amount were studied by using different doses of N-P-K, and the effect of mulch cover also studied to study effect of mulch cover on plant tolerance to salinity. **It was found that: • As the salinity increased the yield and the vegetative growth in the different treatments were reduced but the amount of reduction differ between different treatments. • Were it was found that with mulch cover and clay soil, regular fertilizers Nl-Pl—Kl, and medium irrigation level the reduction in the yield as the salinity increase was less among other treatments (the threshold value (α = 4.5 and the slope b = 0.0584). • With increasing the amount of Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers the reduction of the yield as the salinity increase were reduced. • For the quality parameters it is found that as the salinity increase many quality parameters increase as TSS, reducing sugar, vitamin C, and V titrable acid. • As the plant stress increases these Quality parameters were better as the salinity increase and the irrigation level was reduced as in the sandy soil. • The PH didn’t differ with the different treatments.