Smart Shopping Cart

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BaniFadel, Aseel
Tubaileh, Dania
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In these days, people are interested in technologies that make their life easier and save their time. Besides, the social distancing that Coronavirus imposed leads us to think about problems that need solutions, like waiting queues in markets and malls. Most of the solutions are evident by the introduction of a smart shopping cart to reduce congestion and maintain social distancing during customers' shopping in stores and malls. This project comes to ease shopping by reducing the time that the user spends at the cashier and save distance between clients at a time when merchants are striving to continue working in their stores without exposing customers to the risk of transmission of the new Coronavirus infection. The idea of the project is a smart shopping cart that finds out the prices of products easily by reading the barcode. Using keypad, the user has options to confirm purchasing the products, showing the total elements in the cart with the total price on LCD screen, and delete specific products. At first, employees in the market will use the cart and it will store the products positions in the market, so that when clients use it, if the user type the name of the product it will display the directions to reach it on the LCD screen. The cart also will be controlled remotely through a control device that depends on the person's hand gesture, and it has a non-collision feature through the presence of a distance sensor in the front.