Impact of Health Information System on Nursing Practice in Governmental Hospitals at North of Palestine

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Aya Eid
Tamara Yasin
Maram Damra
Manar Mallouh
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The health information system (HIS) is a system that stores and forward information related to the health of individuals and the activities of organizations that work within the health sector; it brings together all relevant partners to ensure that users of health information have access to reliable, authoritative, useable, understandable and comparative data. Development and adoption of health information system have various degrees of evidence about the impact of health information system on nursing practice. This study is intended to assess the impact of HIS on nursing practice through several items centered round the factor affecting on the use of HIS, the effect of electronic medical record (EMR) on facilitating the tasks performed by the nurse, saving time and nursing satisfaction. We conclude that health information system improves nursing practice, facilitating the tasks performed by the nurse, saving time and nursing satisfaction, reducing medication errors, and improving compliance to practice guidelines. There should be no doubt that HIS is an important tool for improving healthcare quality and safety. Healthcare organizations need to be selective in which technology to invest in, as literature shows that some technologies have limited evidence in improving nursing practice. Aim this study aims to assess the effect of HIS on nursing practice through several items centered around the factor affecting on the use of HIS , effect of EMR on facilitating the tasks performed by the nurse , saving time and nursing satisfaction , by answering questions that will help to explain how the HIS effects nursing practice positively or negatively . Methodology A quantitative descriptive design was conducted in this study. A 255-nurse sample was collected from five governmental hospitals in the north of Palestine, a structured questionnaire was used to collect data, the questionnaire has three sections: the first section consisted of the consent form, the second section consisted of a demographic user information, the third section consisted of 24 items dealing with the questions that all nurses will response and One final open ended question was added to ask users about their suggestions or improvements about the questions in the questionnaire. Result and conclusion result found that the implementation of HIS had a positive effect on nursing practice through several items centered on the effect of EMR on facilitating the nurses’ work, saving time and nursing satisfaction by answering these questions it has been found that HIS helps to improve nursing practice. In general, according to the mean of the study 80.2, which is a very high result ,this leads us to reach that HIS, had a positive effect on nursing practice
Health information system, electronic medical record, nursing practice, time-saving, patient care, healthcare quality, and nursing satisfaction.