Comparison between VANET Models

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Ishtaya, Abd Alwahab i
Alshekh, Anas
Freehat, Abd Alraheem
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Abstract-In the last few years, more and more vehicles are on the road, this leads to more challenges. For example, narrow roads leads to huge traffic congestion, more fuel consumption, emissions and more citizens getting killed in cars accidents. On this paper we try to analyze this problem using the infrastructures on the road sides like traffic lights, light poles and overpasses; in order to overcome the previously mentioned problems, we have to build an effective wireless communication between vehicle and the infrastructure (V2I communication), through small computing device called road side units (RSU) that can be presented/installed on the infrastructures, and can communicate directly with devices mounted on vehicles called on board units (OBUs). That helps the drivers to make a better decisions while driving on the road by knowing what goes around them like traffic condition, emergency vehicles, car accidents and congestion areas. Information and data are collected via the car during travel (each car sends data continuously to the closer RSU as long as the car is travelling) then the RSU analyzes this data and disseminates the information to the vehicles on the roads so that those cars can inform their drivers, or might put this information to their benefit. At the end of this paper we will make some statistical measure to analysis performance of communications based on infrastructure (V2I) then we compare the result with communications based on vehicles (V2V).