Environmental Housing in Jericho

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Bustami, Hiba
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Why Jericho: The main reason for choosing Jericho is that Jericho is one of the cities that started to suffer stagnation in its economy due to the desertion of people due to its harsh climate characterized by high temperature and drought. So min goal is to provide a comfortable and healthy environment, which in turn leads to the recovery of the economy and prosperity in the city. Architectural Idea: The main idea of the project is to create a thermally comfortable environment in which people live in a healthy way through a design that addresses the harsh conditions in that environment and reflects the sense of a distinctive natural phenomenon, namely the oasis, where the housing units are arranged around a central space Work began on the project by studying the climate of the region and the traditional architecture in that region and analysis of its elements as the most successful model in which man created a thermally comfortable environment using the elements and materials available in his environment and then worked on the use of these elements and reflected in a manner commensurate with the current needs of individuals Some of the advantages of traditional architecture in this area, which were reflected in the project: • Use clay as a building material: In the project I used clay bricks, not cement bricks, which proved higher efficiency and quality in the interaction with the environment and preserve the basic structure of reinforced concrete due to the lack of sufficient research that allow the construction of a full clay commensurate with the needs of modern life • Use patio style homes: So that all houses contain an inner courtyard and that each group of houses wrapped around a central courtyard and the courtyard of each group of houses was in turn linked to the general central space of all housing • Use of wind catcher • Design openings to help create a comfortable indoor environment: The windows in general are characterized by their small size, especially in the southern facades • Using different shading methods: Where horizontal shading was made for the southern facades and vertical shading for the eastern and western facades • The use of plants as an essential element for shading and tempering the climate This is in addition to the work of a full green belt surrounding the housing site of plants is taken care of and watered by recycling the gray water generated from homes as the presence of this green belt plays an essential role in the creation of a nice and pure indoor environment