Synthesis of CdO Nanoparticles Satring from New Organic-CdI Complex Sources

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Fahad M. Al-Jekhedab
Abdullah S. Aldwayyan
Ismail Warad
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<p>The science of nanomaterials has created great excitement and expectation in the last decade at the nanoscale fundamental properties changes for example a nanoscale wire or circuit component does not necessarily obey ohm’s law when we reach nanoscale everything will be change, including gold’s color, melting point and chemical proper- ties [1]. Oxide nanomaterials used as catalysts and starting materials for preparing advanced structural ceramics [2]. CdO an important n-type semiconductor with a direct band gap of 2.5 eV and an indirect band gap of 1.98 eV, has promising applications in catalyst sensors, nonlinear materials, solar cells, and other optoelectronic devices etc [2-4]. Cadmium oxide (CdO) nanoparticles were prepared strating from Organic CdI2 complex through simple calcination step at 600 oC, the obtained product are analyzed by SEM, TEM, TG/DTA, IR, and X-ray diffractometer (XRD), the average size of CdO nanoparticles found to be 50 nm [5].<br /> References:<br /> 1. V. S. Muralidharan, A .Subramania, Nanoscience and technology , Crc Press, New Delhi, (2009).<br /> 2. K .V. Rao, C .S. Sunandana, Solid State Phys, 50 (2005) 235.<br /> 3. J-Y Park, Y-J Lee, K-W Jun, J-O Aeg, D-J Yim, J Ind Eng Chem, 12(6) (2006) 882.<br /> 4. T. Kuo, M.H. Huang, J. Phys. Chem B, 110 (2006) 13717.<br /> 5. F.M. Al-Jekhedab et al under construction.</p>
<p>The science of nanomaterials has created great excitement and expectation in the last decade at the nanoscale fundamental properties changes for example a nanoscale wire or circuit component does not necessarily obey ohm’s law when we reach nanoscale everything will be change, including gold’s color, melting point and chemical proper- ties [1]. Oxide nanomaterials used as catalysts and starting materials for preparing advanced structural ceramics [2]. CdO an important n-type semiconductor with a direct band gap of 2.5 eV and an indirect band gap of 1.98 eV, has promising applications in catalyst sensors, nonlinear materials, solar cells, and other optoelectronic devices etc [2-4]. Cadmium oxide (CdO) nanoparticles were prepared strating from Organic CdI2 complex through simple calcination step at 600 oC, the obtained product are analyzed by SEM, TEM, TG/DTA, IR, and X-ray diffractometer (XRD), the average size of CdO nanoparticles found to be 50 nm [5].<br /> References:<br /> 1. V. S. Muralidharan, A .Subramania, Nanoscience and technology , Crc Press, New Delhi, (2009).<br /> 2. K .V. Rao, C .S. Sunandana, Solid State Phys, 50 (2005) 235.<br /> 3. J-Y Park, Y-J Lee, K-W Jun, J-O Aeg, D-J Yim, J Ind Eng Chem, 12(6) (2006) 882.<br /> 4. T. Kuo, M.H. Huang, J. Phys. Chem B, 110 (2006) 13717.<br /> 5. F.M. Al-Jekhedab et al under construction.</p>