Knowledge of Community Pharmacists in Issues Related to Breastfeeding: A Cross Sectional study in the Palestinian Pharmacy Practice

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Khatima Iraqi
Yara Lidawi
Ayat Abu Dawood
Vikat Alayan
Manar Abu Nana
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Background: The breastfeeding provides the ideal nutrition for infants. Breastfeeding is very important for infant in the first 6 months, because they will have fewer hospitalization and trips to doctors. The pharmacists can be a resource in breastfeeding promotion and support. The pharmacists can advise and consulting the mothers about importance of breastfeeding. Method : The study was conducted with a cross-sectional observational design using a questionnaire. We distribute the questionnaire to pharmacists in their place of work. A total of 376 pharmacists responded to a course on breast feeding during pharmacy school. The study was conducted from July 2017 to February 2018. The reliability and internal consistency of the study tool was assessed using the test-retest method and the Cronbach alpha. Categorical groups were compared using the chi-square test and the Spearman rank correlation. Result : A total of 376 pharmacists responded to the questionnaire, the female 196 and the male 180, they respond about taking (e.g. codeine) for cough what would you say?, when a breastfeeding mother ask pharmacist about taking pseudoephedrine what would you say?. Conclusion: This study was conducted to investigate the knowledge of pharmacists about drug and disease during breastfeeding.