The Effectiveness of Using Open Ended Questions on Improving Seventh Graders’ Motivation and Achievement in Reading Comprehension from the Perspectives of English Language Teachers in Qalqilia District.

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Mardaawi, Qassim
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An-Najah National University
This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using open-ended questions on improving seventh graders' motivation and achievement in reading comprehension from the perspectives of English language teachers in Qalqilia district by using a descriptive study. The study came to examine the effectiveness of using open-ended questions on the following variables:(gender, qualification, years of experience, training sessions and specialization) from the perspectives of English language teachers. The study population consisted of all teachers of English who taught at Qalqilia governorate schools during in the scholastic year 2018-2019. The researcher used four tools which were (12) classroom observation, interview, questionnaire and reading comprehension exams. After examining the collected date by using means, T-test and one way ANOVA, the researcher found out that the results of the classroom observations were harmonious with results of the questionnaire, interviews, and reading comprehension exams. The afore-mentioned results showed that teachers' specialization and gender influenced positively towards using open-ended questions in the classroom. Moreover, experience and training sessions demonstrated that the teachers of English who had longer training sessions and more experience had the power to use open - ended questions than other teachers of less training sessions and fewer years of experience . The findings of the questionnaire showed that the total degree of effectiveness of using open-ended questions on improving seventh graders' motivation and achievement in reading comprehension was(4.13)which clarified that students have strong tendency to learn English language through using open-ended questions. The findings of classroom observation were as the following: Students' performance of those who were engaged in the second and third week was more those the first week. That meant learners needed enough time to be familiar with the strategy of asking open-ended questions. The outcomes of the independent variables were as the following: there were no statistical significant differences at (a=0.05) of the effectiveness of using open ended questions on improving seventh graders' motivation and achievement in reading comprehension from the perspectives of English language teachers in Qalqilia district attributed to the variables of qualification, specialization, gender, training courses and years of experience. The results of the study showed that the majority of the students and teachers had a strong tendency to use open-ended questions in the classroom. Accordingly, the researcher advised English language teachers to apply open-ended questions as an essential part in the educational process in order to motivate students to interact enthusiastically with questions, remove shyness and develop their personality. Moreover, the researcher recommended Palestinian curriculum designers to set up training courses for enabling teacher how to pose-open ended questions that motivate students' performance and give them a chance to create convincing answers and responses. Finally, researchers are recommended to clarify the importance of using open-ended questions in the shape of enhancing students' abilities to write meaningful answers and construct their self-confidence.
The Effectiveness of Using Open Ended Questions on Improving Seventh Graders’ Motivation and Achievement in Reading Comprehension from the Perspectives of English Language Teachers in Qalqilia District.