Implications of recreational drugs and drugs of abuse in anesthesia and analgesia: supporting physicians to address and combat drug abuse

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Hind Abu Rumeh
Nada Mahani
Baker Amer
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Background Substance abuse incidence is increasing in Palestine making it a top priority due to its impact on health, This qualitative study was conducted to increase health care providers' knowledge, awareness and elim-inate barriers related to substance abuse. The study also aimed to improve anesthesiologist knowledge on the implications of recreational drugs and drugs of abuse in anesthesia and analgesia. Methods The authentic databases: PubMed and Scopus, were used as a main source of search. The (PICO) mod-el was used as a search strategy tool which includes (population/patient, intervention, comparison, and outcome). The (population) was established in advance as anesthesiologists, anesthesia technicians, and other healthcare providers who provide perioperative care to surgical patients. Results Data were extracted from 8 documents. The documents included were published between (2005-2020). In the questionnaire, the respondents on average treated 5 patients with chronic pain per month. The most common conditions treated included migraine, back pain and mixed pain. Multiple knowledge and practice gaps were identified surrounding pharmacological treatment, medication management in-cluding chemical dependence, patients’ financial problems and pain assessment. The study also included 10 anesthesiologist interviews which indicated the presence of interactions be-tween anesthesia and cannabis use and its related effect on depth, dose and duration of anesthesia. Conclusion Implications of recreational drugs and drugs of abuse in anesthesia and analgesia and how to anticipate, avoid and properly treat substance abuse through increasing physicians knowledge. In conclusion, this research provides perception into primary care physicians’ chronic pain management practices and em-phasizes areas needed for further education.