Effect Of Empiric Antifungal therapy On The Incidence Of Candidemia Among Intensive Care Unit Patients: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial

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Sewar AboRia
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Background: Candida species are among the most common fungi responsible for nosocomial infections, particularly in the ICU setting, causing a significant impact on the medical condition, length of hospitalization and financial burden. We aim to assess whether administrating fluconazole as empiric therapy would affect the incidence of developing candidemia and invasive candidiasis in the ICU. Methods: We performed a randomized controlled trial at Al-Najah University Hospital (NNUH). Patients admitted to the ICU at least two weeks with a central catheter line and negative culture for candida were enrolled in the study, dividing participants into the intervention groups who received 400 mg IV fluconazole and the control group. Results: Eighteen patients who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study, nine patients received fluconazole empirically, and eight patients were in the control group. 33.3% of patients in the intervention group were positive for candida, while 50% were positive in the control group. Conclusion: Administrating empiric Fluconazole for ICU patients seems to have a positive outcome on reducing candida infection incidence. Due to the small sample size, we need further number of participants to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment.