The Center of Excellence in Materials Science and Nano-Technology (CEM- SANT) at An-Najah N. University

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Hikmat S. Hilal
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<p>In this intervention, I will give a description of the newly established CEMSANT at ANU, Palestine. My intervention will describe why CEMSANT was established, its relevance to Palestine, its vision &amp; goals, and its strategy to achieve its mission. CEM- SANT hierarchy and administrative structure will be described. Current research activities conducted by students and their supervisors, and the relevance of such activities to Palestine, will be discussed. International academic links established by CEMSANT will be described. Areas of strength and limitations will also be highlighted, focusing on future expansion plans. Details of needed advanced equipment’s and services will also be highlighted.</p>
<p>In this intervention, I will give a description of the newly established CEMSANT at ANU, Palestine. My intervention will describe why CEMSANT was established, its relevance to Palestine, its vision &amp; goals, and its strategy to achieve its mission. CEM- SANT hierarchy and administrative structure will be described. Current research activities conducted by students and their supervisors, and the relevance of such activities to Palestine, will be discussed. International academic links established by CEMSANT will be described. Areas of strength and limitations will also be highlighted, focusing on future expansion plans. Details of needed advanced equipment’s and services will also be highlighted.</p>