The role of factor V leiden and associated risk factors in venous thromboembolism among Palestinians in the city of Nablus

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Afnan Shehadeh, Amal Al-Shaikh Ibrahim
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Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a common condition that can lead to complications such as postphlebitic syndrome, pulmonary embolism and death. It is a typical multifactorial disease involving the interaction of many factors such as aging, obesity, surgery, pregnancy, postpartum and oral contraceptives or cancers, with genetic predisposing risk factors. This condition is increased when combined with acquired or inherited risk factors that lead to thrombophilia. Among the inherited risk factors is factor V leiden mutation, an autosomal dominant disorder. In the present study, we performed a case- control study to investigate the association between FVL mutation and deep vein thrombosis. The study included 100 subjects with DVT and 100 matched control subjects without DVT. Leiden mutation was detected in 25 (25%) of the 100 study cases, and in 9 (9%) of the 100 control subjects. Data analysis indicates a significant association between the mutant allele and DVT (p-value< 0.05). In conclusion, these results provide a significant correlation between deep venous thrombosis and factor V leiden mutation among DVT patients in the city of Nablus .