Heterocyclic Schiff Bases and their Antiglycation Application

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Al-Nuri, Mohammed A.
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Schiff bases are the condensation products of ketones or aldehydes with primary amines. They contain –HC=N– azomethine group which were first synthesized by H. Schiff [1]. The extensive applications of Schiff bases including the biological activities are as antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor agents [2]. They have been used as organic intermediates for production of chemicals used in pharmaceuticals [3], Heterocyclic Schiff bases have been proved to be an important class of organic ligands utilized in coordination chemistry due to their facile synthesis and easy tunable steric and electronic properties [4]. Recently, it has been found that heterocyclic Schiff bases possess protein antiglycation potential in hyperglycemia [5]. References 1. Schiff, H. Ann. Chem.1864, 131, 118–119. 2. Ghozlan, S.; Al‐Omar, M.; Amr, A.; Ali, K.; El‐Wahab. J. Heterocycl. Chem. 2011, 48, 1103-1110. 3. Kuzmin, V.; Artemenko, A.; Lozytska, R.; Fedtchouk, A.; Lozitsky, V.; Muratov, E.; Mescheriakov. Environ. Res. 2005, 16, 219–230. 4.Warad, I.; Khan, A.; Azam, M.; Al-Resayes, S.; Khan, M.; Ahmad, P.; Al-Nuri, M.; Jodeh, Sh.; Husein, A.; Haddad, S.; Hammouti, B.; Al-Noaimi, M. Inorg. Chem. Comm.2014, 43, 155–161. 13.Resayes, S.; Warad, I. ;Choudhary, M. ; Wahab, A.; Rasheed, S. USA Patent office, USA2014/0221429A1. 2014, P4.