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(An-Najah National University, 2024-09-19) Abu Alia, Sara
Background: University students face a considerable amount of stress, whether it was academic, social, or mental based stress, but it’s crucial to note that their families at home is the first environment in which they grow up learning about the world around them, and the way they interact with surrounding events is especially affected by their relationships with their parents, which are regarded as the greatest influence to individuals when it comes to their personality development; due to the intimate bonds that tie the family members together, also known as attachments. This research focuses on the attachment theory of John Bowlby, which focuses on the notion that people’s abilities to build physical and emotional relationships are affected by their levels of feeling secure. Accessibility of parents or caregivers provide their children a secure base to explore, knowing that if they encounter distress, their caregivers will provide them with help and emotional support. Eventually, as children grow up, they pick up certain strategies to regulate their inner distress and cope with stressful life-events. One Personality trait that is affected by attachment relationships between family members is psychological hardiness; because it influences what strategies they utilize to cope with stress. Aim: This study aimed to examine the mediating role of psychological hardiness in the relationship between attachment styles and stress coping strategies among students of Palestinian universities. Method: Data was collected using The Yarmouk Scale of Attachment Styles The Short Psychological Hardiness Scale, and The Stress Coping Strategies for a sample of 200 Palestinian university students. The collected data was analyzed using SPS version 25.0. Results: The results of the study revealed that there was a negative relationship between attachment styles and stress coping strategies, a negative relationship between attachment styles and psychological hardiness, and a positive relationship between psychological hardiness and stress coping strategies among Palestinian university students. The results also showed that attachment styles and psychological hardiness explain (53%) from each other, while stress coping strategies and psychological hardiness explain (70%) from each other. Additionally, there weren’t any significant differences in attachment styles, psychological hardiness, and stress coping strategies means among Palestinian university students according to gender, age, university, and birth order. Recommendations: The study recommends that, in Palestine, universities provide more counselling centers, arrange free workshops to spread awareness on the influences of parent-child interactions on children’s psychological hardiness, and provide training courses to teach students efficient strategies of coping with stress. Finally, the researcher recommends further research on this topic in the Palestinian context. Keywords: Attachment, Attachment styles, coping, stress coping strategies, psychological hardiness.
دراسة مقارنة لمشاريع الترميم و إعادة الاحياء للساحات الحضرية في البلدة القديمة في نابلس من منظور ثقافي و اجتماعي
(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2024-09-08) Nabulsi, Hafeef
تمثل الساحات العامة الحضرية جزءا هاما من النسيج العمراني للمدينة، فهي تعمل على تطوير التفاعل الاجتماعي بين سكان المدينة وبيئتهم، وتفعيل مجال الاستثمار وتنويع الموارد الاقتصادية، إضافة الى أهميتها في التشكيل البصري للمدينة، بالتالي فان الاهتمام بهذه الفراغات وتصميمها، يزيد من مستوى أدائها للجوانب الوظيفية والجمالية مما ينعكس إيجابيا على السكان وحياتهم. نظرا للأهمية الكبيرة للساحات العامة الحضرية في حياة الناس، وضرورة تنفيذ مشاريع للحفاظ عليها وإعادة احيائها في حال تعرضها للتلف والإهمال، لذلك سعى هذا البحث الى تسليط الضوء على عدد من الساحات العامة الحضرية في البلدة القديمة في مدينة نابلس والتي نفذ فيها عدد من مشاريع الترميم وإعادة الاحياء الحضري في السنوات الأخيرة الماضية، لإخراجها من حالة التدهور والإهمال التي عانت منها تلك الساحات لسنوات طويلة. فكان لابد من اجراء تقييم لهذه المشاريع، لدراسة مدى نجاحها في إعادة احياء هذه الساحات وإعادة تفعيل دورها من جديد، وجعلها قادرة على تلبية الأدوار المرجوة منها في خدمة كافة افراد المجتمع بالشكل المطلوب، كما سعى هذا البحث الى اجراء دراسة مقارنة بين هذه المشاريع لتحديد التجربة الأفضل ان وجدت، وللوصول الى الأهداف التي سعت الرسالة الى تحقيقها تم استخدام عدد من الأدوات والمناهج العلمية والبحثية تم التوصل الى نتائج مهمة وهي ان الساحات العامة الحضرية لها أهمية كبيرة في حياة كافة افراد المجتمع، خاصة سكان البلدة القديمة فهي تمثل المتنفس الوحيد بالنسبة لهم، لكن فشلت مشاريع الترميم و إعادة الاحياء الحضري التي نفذت في تحقيق الهدف الرئيسي المطلوب منها و المتمثل في إعادة احياء الساحات و إعادة تفعيل دورها من جديد ، و السبب في ذلك يعود الى وجود مجموعة من العيوب و المشاكل عانت منها هذه المشاريع كان من أهمها ، فشل المشاريع على مستوى التصميم والتخطيط , فهي لم تراعي أسس ومبادئ تصميم الساحات العامة الحضرية عند تصميم و تنفيذ المشاريع، كما انها فشلت في تحقيق أهدافها في خدمة افراد المجتمع على المستوى الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والثقافي، خاصة انها لم تقم بدمج المجتمع المحلي ضمن هذه المشاريع ، بالإضافة الى غياب الوعي الداخلي والدور المؤسسي بأهمية المحافظة على هذه المشاريع لضمان استدامتها، كما ان الساحات الثلاثة تعاني من مشاكل كثيرة مما جعل من الصعب تحديد التجربة الأفضل فيما بينها، حيث تم تسليط الضوء بشكل مفصل على المشاكل التي تعاني منها كل ساحة، وتحديد نقاط القوة ونقاط الضعف في كل مشروع، نتج عن ذلك الخروج بعدد من النتائج والتوصيات، يمكن اعتبارها بمثابة خطوط اساسية يمكن الرجوع اليها من قبل الهيئات الرسمية للاستفادة في حال تنفيذ مشاريع إعادة احياء مستقبلية في ساحات أخرى.
(An-Najah National University, 2024-08-20) Amayreh, Ibrahim
Numerous interrelated variables that affect the environment, the economy, and the welfare of the world at large need the use of renewable energy. Accordingly, the Absorption Compression Hybrid Refrigeration System (ACHRS) is studied in this research. Given the high cost of electrical energy and the climate that is conducive to solar energy collection, it seemed more practical and economically feasible to find a different way to operate cold storage while maintaining system performance. ACHRS merges the Vapor Compression Refrigeration System (VCRS), and Absorption Refrigeration System (ARS), Based on the temperature of the water after it has been heated with evacuated tube solar water collectors, if the water temperature is 90 ℃ and more, the system will operate by ARS, else by VCRS. The study's results demonstrated the annual working hours for the hybrid system will be 2078 by ARS and 6682 by VCRS. The hybrid system payback period is 5.6 years. Net Cash Flow (NCF), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) are other methods to assess the economic viability that have been studied, through these, the system's economic viability was demonstrated.
(2024) Laith Shakhsheer; Reem AbuRajab
our project introduces an innovative solution to enhance the efficiency and precision of fabric cutting processes. The proposed system is a user-friendly machine designed for cutting fabric, offering a seamless experience for individuals working with textiles. The primary objective of the project is to empower users to effortlessly select the desired length of fabric, allowing the machine to autonomously execute precise cuts. The automated fabric cutting machine integrates cutting-edge technology to simplify and streamline the traditional fabric cutting workflow. Users can input the required length through an intuitive interface, providing a convenient and accurate means of controlling the size of the fabric. This not only improves the overall speed of the cutting process but also ensures consistency and precision in the final product. Key features of the machine include user-friendly controls, automated cutting mechanisms, and real-time length monitoring. The system aims to cater to a wide range of users in the textile industry, offering a versatile solution that adapts to various fabric types and cutting requirements.
(2024) Adlah Faqih; Reem AbuRajab
YOU MATTER is a haven of support and healing on the journey to emotional well-being. Our website is designed to be a trusted resource for finding solace, guidance, and professional therapeutic services. At YOU MATTER, we understand that life's challenges can weigh heavily on you, impacting your mental and emotional health. Our mission is to provide a safe, compassionate, and nurturing space where you can embark on a path toward self-discovery, resilience, and personal growth. Our website offers a comprehensive range of therapeutic services, including individual counselling, and specialized support for a variety of emotional concerns. Our experienced and compassionate therapists are here to listen, understand and help you navigate life's complexities. Through insightful therapy sessions via chat, voice or video call, evidence-based techniques, and a commitment to your well-being, we aim to empower you to overcome obstacles, build stronger relationships, and achieve greater emotional balance. Our website offers valuable resources, articles, analyisis tests, and tools to support your journey to mental and emotional health. YOU MATTER is dedicated to promoting mental health, promoting resilience, and fostering a sense of inner peace. Take the first step toward a brighter tomorrow by exploring our website, connecting with our compassionate therapists, and investing in your emotional health. We believe that healing is possible, and our website is here to guide you on your path to personal transformation. Your journey to emotional wellness starts here. This project represents the culmination of our academic endeavors, leveraging a tech-stack fusion of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Flutter for the frontend, while Node.js orchestrates the backend, seamlessly integrating with a MongoDB database