The Influence of Using Educational Games on Improving Students’ Speaking Skill and Enhancing their Vocabulary in English in Private Schools in Nablus City

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Debes, Niveen Wael
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An-Najah National University
This study investigated the influence of educational games on improving students' speaking skill and enhancing their vocabulary in English in private schools in Nablus city. To achieve this goal, a quasi-experimental study was applied on (45) female and (22) male students in the third grade from Tala’e Al Amal School in Nablus in the first semester of the academic year 2018/2019. The researcher also employed pre and posttests of vocabulary and speaking on the students. The researcher divided the students into two groups: control group and experimental group. The experimental group consisted of (25) female and (9) male students and enrolled in learning through using educational games, and the control group consisted of (20) female and (13) male students who were taught by using traditional methods. The results of the study showed a positive impact of utilizing educational games in speaking and vocabulary classes. In light of these findings, the researcher recommended teachers to use more educational games in vocabulary and speaking classes. Besides, the researcher proposed some recommendations for the Ministry of Education to give several training programs for supervisors, teachers of English, students in universities and colleges on how to utilize educational games in the teaching process. Moreover, the researcher recommended conducting several research on measuring the influence of games in the development of English language skills, e.g. (listening, writing and reading) since educational games play an essential role in the teaching process due to their effectiveness in engaging and motivating learners of all levels.