The Design and Construction of an Artificial Island in the Mediterranean Sea

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Anas Omar Jaim
Ameed Yousef zubaidi
Nidal firas khalil
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Palestine is located at the heart of the World map. It looks like a bridge between the three major continents, Asia, Africa, and Europe. Its location is very important geopolitically and also for commerce between all parts of the World. Therefore, Palestine should have a sea port that is located at a chosen area at the Mediterranean Sea to serve all needed goals. In this project, we will choose an area that is most adequate to accommodate the sea Port needed. For various reasons we found that the sea port will consist of two parts, One is the port and facilities at the sea shore itself. And the other is an artificial island That should be constructed in front of that area and connected to it. Our goal, in this project, is to study and design the proposed island and the best way For its construction. The suggested shape of the artificial island is Palestine shape even fits the available space, with surface area equal to 30000 m2 (3 hectare). The island is located about 200 m from the beach. To facilitate access to the island, ships and boats will be used as a mode of transportation because it's a cheap mode and to add. some fun and entertainment for visitors instead of using the bridge.