Integrated Redesign of an Olympic building

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Rajab, Hamsa
Mahajna, Seham
Ibrahim, Farah
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Health, fitness and other benefits of youth sports participation are fully recognized. However, there are great difficulties for everyone involved - athletes, especially young people - in an effort to maintain inclusive, sustainable, enjoyable and successful participation of all levels of individual athletic achievement. With a large number of athletes in Palestine, there is an increasing demand for coaches and tweets to provide services to people to help them organize their lives and suggest a solution to the problems they face, as well as for global communication between countries participating in the Olympic Games. So it is very important to create a group for these people in "offices" that meet all the requirements of human comfort in order to have a very fluent work environment, where the importance of building engineering becomes clear. The target of the project to be achieved is to make an assessment for an office building in Ram city called “Olympic Building” in all fields related to building engineering starting from Architectural design following by Structural, Electro-Mechanical and Environmental design then calculations of cost estimate.