Quality of Life of Postmenopausal Women

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Hadeel Mhajne
Abed Elrahman Alsedeh
Marah mhajne
Nagham nassar
Nidaa jbaly
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Introduction It is important to remember that each woman's experience is highly individual , same women experience few or no effect in quality of live of postmenopausal women ,while other Experience multiple effect or changes. Aim The aim of the current study is to explore the QOL among postmenopausal women. Methodology A quantitative , exploraty and descriptive study was carried out in 3 villages (in the 1948 area) Target the women who above 40 years old ; respondents was 303 participant distributes in UmElfahem , Qalansawe , Tera city to explorer the impact of (age , menopause status , body mass index , material, working status)and quality of life of postmenopausal women. Result and conclusion A quantitative ,exploratory and analytic study was carried out in arab women 48 , target who above 40 year old ;respondent was 303 participants distributes in Elfahem , Qalansawe , Tera city to explore relationship between QOL of postmenopausal women and age, BMI, educational level, marital status, work status, children number, residence, chronic disease, regular medication, menarche age. The study indicate that the presence relationship between QOL of postmenopausal women and the mentioned variables, also the presence: (Age group: being at age between 40 and 45 YO has a positive significance with higher QoL), (BMI: Body Mass Index has a relationship with mean scale score, with a significance normal weight has the highest rank.), (Marital status: being married has the highest rank of raising QoL score.), (Children number: having one child only has the highest rank for higher QoL measurement score.), )Residence : there is a relationship between residence and QoL, with living in city has a higher rank than being in village.), )Chronic disease: having a chronic disease has a significant relationship with QoL, with a higher rank for having a chronic disease.)