Children Hospital

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Dawwas, Raghda
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The reason for choosing the category of children stems from the fact that children are the mainstay of life, and that children with children have the right to live like other children who have a normal life. This category of children needs special care under the supervision of experts who are totally different from the care of adult patients From the psychological point of view, such as the provision of entertainment during the stages of treatment, which helps to heal faster and larger, especially as they need to rest psychological significantly. Proposed area for establishing the project: Land next to Al Najah University Hospital to strengthen the reasons to make this area a fully equipped university medical area. Area: 19 m2 Project Idea (concept) : His idea was to make the sick child belong to the surrounding environment to relieve his pain, so the main idea was based on his colorful children's toy, the Rubik's cube Intelligence game, which had a common use especially in the architectural field. Finally: When one can ease a patient's pain, and when he can plant a smile of hope on a comforting face, and when he can turn his thoughts and knowledge into an action that benefits people, then his life will have meaning. When man works for that, he has the ability to conquer the difficulties armed with science, learn from the experience of his teachers and teachers, searching the archive of life for all that pleases people, then the happiness of life. For this and that, I was optional for a children's hospital project, to be a graduation project from the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture Department, despite the difficulties and multiple sections that I realized early, but I was not surprised, but my awareness of this fact increased the strength of perseverance in work and research to be the first of my design work which I hope I have achieved In its complete implementation.