Home System security With SMS

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Rafah Al-yaseen
Razan Fathi
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-Part of the system used in kitchen to detect temperature if temperature increase over 35 alarming bill  will work and SMS send to home owner.-Other part used in office, to detect if office owner want to open the door of the office only must press secret number and automatically the door of the office open, it  wrong number entered second and third  chance allowed, but  after the third chance if wrong password entered alarming bill generated and  SMS send to  office owner.
-Part of the system used in kitchen to detect temperature if temperature increase over 35 alarming bill  will work and SMS send to home owner.-Other part used in office, to detect if office owner want to open the door of the office only must press secret number and automatically the door of the office open, it  wrong number entered second and third  chance allowed, but  after the third chance if wrong password entered alarming bill generated and  SMS send to  office owner.