Diabetes is a common long-term health condition that affects many people worldwide. It requires careful management of blood sugar levels, taking medication as prescribed, and making lifestyle changes. However, managing diabetes can be challenging for many people due to limited access to healthcare, lack of personalized guidance, and difficulty in keeping track of important health information. This graduation project aims to tackle these challenges by creating a new mobile app for diabetes management. The app will have a simple and user-friendly design that allows individuals with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels, take their medication on time, calculate the carbs in their meals, and know how much medication they should take. It will also include features to help users find nearby stores or restaurants that offer food suitable for their dietary needs, connect with healthcare experts, and get reminders for medication doses. Through the development of this diabetes management application, our goal is to help people with diabetes gain more control over their health, improve their ability to take care of themselves and enhance their overall well-being. We want to make it easier for healthcare providers and patients to communicate, monitor health progress, and work together to manage diabetes more effectively. This graduation project aims to contribute to the field of digital health technology and make a positive difference in the lives of individuals with diabetes, enabling them to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.